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Training Opportunities

HR University (HRU) is designed to cultivate continuous learning across the Federal Government.  In HRU's Work-Life Studio(external link), Federal HR practitioners, managers, and employees can find FREE, virtual courses related to work-life programs.  This training resource is regularly updated with new webinars, videos, and announcements for upcoming events. 

Visit the Work-Life Studio(external link) today to learn strategies for successful implementation of work-life programs, such as telework, worksite health and wellness, family and dependent care, and employee assistance programs.

Featured Trainings

The Introduction to Leave, Work-Life, and Workplace Flexibilities course(external link) provides a comprehensive overview of the benefits of a flexible workplace culture.  The course is designed for employees, managers, and agencies, to help each gain insight into the commonly used leave, work-life, and workplace flexibility options available to Federal employees and managers, as well as how to access these options to meet various needs.

The Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking in the Workplace (DVSAS) course(external link) is intended for all government agencies and includes coverage of definitions and types of DVSAS, how DVSAS is a workplace issue, possible signs and symptoms of DVSAS, the importance of maintaining confidentiality in the workplace, and identifying the internal and external resources available to assist employees and managers.  The training clearly flags issues of particular importance for supervisors, has links to external resources such as victim hotlines, and offers interactive scenarios to help users think about response in different situations.

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