Reference Materials
Easy access to official documents from all of our program areas. These documents include agency guidance, informational handbooks, memos to Chief Human Capital Officers or other agency officials from the OPM Director, Reports to Congress, and official forms.
Telework provides information on the legal framework for telework in the Federal Government, as well as guidance to help you interpret and understand the laws. is the official website of the Federal Government's telework program. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the General Services Administration (GSA) have established this interagency website to provide easy access to information on everything from guidance to agencies on implementing telework to training for employees.
Health & Wellness
OPM Guides
- Employee Health Services Handbook
Provides policy guidance to assist agency management and program administrators in developing and implementing comprehensive employee health services programs.
- Guide for Establishing a Federal Nursing Mother's Program
Provides information on developing a nursing mother's program at the workplace to support mothers, their families, and Federal agencies.
- Tobacco Cessation: Guidance on Establishing Programs Designed to Help Employees Stop Using Tobacco
Provides policy guidance and program recommendations for implementing successful workplace tobacco cessation programs
OPM Reports
- HealthierFeds Physical Activity Challenge: Results from the Twelve Month Follow-up Survey
Describes the results of the 2007 HealthierFeds Physical Activity Challenge, sponsored by the Office of Personnel Management, Department of Healthy and Human Services, and President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, through analyzing a follow-up survey administered to participants.
Employee Assistance Programs
OPM Guides
- Guide to Administering Employee Assistance Programs
Provides an introduction to Federal Employee Assistance Programs, legal requirements and guidance, and recommendations on program implementation
- Federal Employee Assistance Programs, Guiding Principles, Framework and Definitions
Addresses how Employee Assistance Programs can best meet the mental and behavioral health needs of Federal employees
- Alcoholism in the Workplace: A Handbook for Supervisors
Provides information regarding alcoholism and alcohol abuse, especially as it relates to the Federal workplace, to help supervisors, managers, and human resource personnel understand and recognize problems and know where to go to get assistance
- Guidance for Agency-Specific Policies Addressing Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, or Related Forms of Abuse or Harassment
This guidance provides agencies with the tools and resources necessary to support Federal employees who are currently experiencing, or have previously experienced, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking and other related forms of abuse or harassment. Within this guide, Agencies will find helpful definitions, information on policy development, and other tools that ensure the workplace is equipped to provide employees access to the supports they require.
- Dealing with Workplace Violence: A Guide for Agency Planners
Introduces a process for developing an effective workplace violence prevention program, presents case studies, and offers basic technical information
- Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Resource List
Provides workplace, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, teen dating violence, legal, government, and consultation resources
- Handling Traumatic Events: A Manager's Handbook
Helps prepare agencies for unexpected tragedies such as, but not limited to, suicides, natural disasters, assaults, as well as provides practical approaches to facilitate recovery after such an event occurs
Family Resources
OPM Guides
- Guide to Adoption and Foster Care Programs for Federal Employees
Orients adoptive and foster parents with applicable Federal leave, insurance, and tax benefits
- Guidance for Agency-Specific Policies on Child Care Subsidy Programs
This updated Guidance for Agency-Specific Policies on Child Care Subsidy Programs provides a roadmap for agencies to effectively implement Child Care Subsidy Programs. Within this guidance, agencies will find key definitions related to child care and child care subsidy programs, refined and updated criteria when considering program eligibility, and renewed approaches to Child Care Subsidy Program models.
- Child Care/Out of School
Provides information and resources to help Federal employees find quality child care
- Child Care Resources Handbook
Shares practical tips on how to find quality child care and contact information for organizations that can offer further information on related topics, such as, obtaining financial assistance
- Dealing with Workplace Violence: A Guide for Agency Planners
Introduces a process for developing an effective workplace violence prevention program, presents case studies, and offers basic technical information
- Establishing a Worksite Parenting Support Group
Explains how to plan and implement a parenting support group in a Federal agency, as well as information on confidentiality and suggested discussion topics
- Guide for Establishing a Federal Nursing Mother's Program
Provides information on developing a nursing mother's program at the workplace to support mothers, their families, and Federal agencies
- Guide for Implementing Child Care Legislation
Provides Federal agencies, Federal employees, child care providers, and child care governing boards with useful information related to the child care legislation that permits agencies to spend appropriated funds (including revolving funds available for salaries and expenses) to assist their lower income employees with the costs of child care
- Guide to Planning a Dependent Care Fair
Provides step-by-step directions for planning a successful dependent care fair, as well as offers sample letters and lists of child and elder care organizations
Handbook on Workplace Flexibilities and Work-Life Programs for Elder Care
Provides information regarding Federal workplace flexibilities and work-life programs that support employees who are providing elder care for a family member
- Resources for Promoting Father Involvement: Fatherhood Guide
Offers information and resources on the role fathers play in their children's lives and the integration of fathers in work/life programs
- When Close Relatives Raise Children: Kinship Care Guide
Includes background information to help understand kinship care, and information about organizations, publications, support groups, and work/life programs that support grandparents and other relatives raising children
- Child Care Subsidy Application Form, OPM Form 1643
- Child Care Provider Information for the Child Care Subsidy Program for Federal Employees, OPM Form 1644
- 2014 Federal Child Care Subsidy Program
- 2010 Federal Child Care Subsidy Program Call for Data Results
- 2009 Federal Child Care Subsidy Program Call for Data Results
Presents data compiled from participating agencies and agency components regarding the Federal Child Care Subsidy Program