Domestic Employees Teleworking Overseas (DETO) – Locality Pay
The FY 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) included a provision providing special locality pay to Civil Service Domestic Employees Teleworking Overseas (DETOs).
A DETO is a U.S. Government Civil Service or Foreign Service employee assigned to a domestic position who is approved to telework from an overseas location for a limited period of time. Although the domestic employee is not assigned or detailed to the overseas location, the DETO’s duty station will be temporarily changed to reflect the overseas alternate worksite for the duration of the DETO arrangement. A DETO arrangement is a limited-duration workplace flexibility option that an agency may consider to allow U.S. Government employees who are assigned to domestic positions to accomplish the duties of their position from a foreign country. DETOs may be Foreign Service or Civil Service employees. (In this document, we are using the State Department’s construction of “Civil Service” to exclude the Foreign Service. See discussion under “Coverage” paragraph below.) The Department of State provides policy guidance on the DETO program for its own employees in its Foreign Affairs Manual—see 3 FAM 2370.
Section 6202 of the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (Public Law 117–81, December 27, 2021) requires that all Federal agencies “establish a policy enumerating the circumstances under which employees may be permitted to temporarily perform work requirements and duties from approved overseas locations where there is a related Foreign Service assignment pursuant to an approved Domestically Employed Teleworking Overseas (DETO) agreement. ”The language “related Foreign Service assignment” refers to the overseas assignment of an employee’s spouse by U.S. Government orders.
The State Department has given the following DETO program information to other Federal agencies:
- Federal employees should direct inquiries to their agency Telework Managing Officers and/or agency Telework Coordinators who serve as their primary point of contact to determine whether there is an agency policy for DETO arrangements and if so, obtain agency procedures for applying. Federal agencies are strongly encouraged to designate a clear, central DETO point of contact for their agency.
- For questions about DETO policy development, please email queries to DETO reference documents including templates and standard operating procedures are available as attachments upon request.
- Sponsored DETOs: These are DETOs who are on the orders of a U.S. Government-employed spouse assigned abroad on Government orders, which spouse acts as the DETO’s sponsor. (Note: In 3FAM 2371.7 (dealing with a DETO’s official status overseas), State Department states that its sponsored DETOs are not eligible for any allowance benefits or payments in their own right— any eligibility for allowance benefits or payments is only derived from the sponsoring employee without exception.)
- Independent DETOs: These are DETOs who are not on the orders of a U.S. Government-employed spouse assigned abroad on Government orders. The State Department does not allow independent DETOs for its own employees but other Federal agencies may allow both sponsored and independent DETOs. Agencies considering independent DETO arrangements must carefully consider the implications of these arrangements, including added costs and an added measure of difficulty in obtaining necessary approvals.
- There is no authority to permit a U.S. Government Civil Service or Foreign Service employee with a domestic position to telework from an overseas location without a DETO arrangement.
- Please send inquiries or requests for information on DETOs to:
DETO Locality Pay
DETO locality pay for Civil Service employees (hereafter referred to as “DETO locality pay”) is authorized under section 9717 of division I (Department of State Authorizations) in the James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY 2023 NDAA, Public Law 117-263, Dec. 23, 2022.
Agency Responsibility
Section 9717 did not give the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) authority to regulate or administer the DETO locality pay program. Each agency is responsible for implementing the program for its DETOs. To assist agencies, OPM has coordinated with the Department of State and the Department of Defense (DOD) in preparing this information document. (See Note in section “Treatment of DETO Locality Payment” regarding OPM’s role with respect to use of DETO locality payments in applying OPM-administered programs.)
To be eligible for DETO locality pay, an employee must serve in a position in the “civil service” (as defined in 5 U.S.C. 2101) and must be working overseas under a Domestic Employee Teleworking Overseas agreement. The term “civil service” as used in 5 U.S.C. 2101 is a broad term that would include members of the Foreign Service; however, in this document, references to “Civil Service” are understood to exclude the Foreign Service, since Foreign Service DETOs are already receiving overseas comparability pay under separate authority. Under section 9717, “overseas” means any geographic location that is not in (1) the continental United States or (2) a nonforeign area (as defined in 5 CFR 591.205)—hereafter in this document referred to as the “United States” or “U.S.” This basically means the employee is working in a foreign area. In addition, to be eligible for DETO locality pay, a Civil Service employee must be in a position that would provide entitlement to title 5 locality pay if the employee were stationed in the United States. A Civil Service employee whose position is not covered by the title 5 locality pay program would not receive DETO locality pay because, under section 9717(b), an employee is entitled to the lesser of two amounts of locality pay—one of which is the locality pay that would have been paid under the title 5 locality pay authority (5U.S.C. 5304 or 5304a) if the employee’s official duty station had not been changed from a U.S. location to a foreign location. If the employee is not eligible for title 5 locality pay in the position in question even if the employee were stationed in the U.S., then the title 5 locality pay entitlement would be zero, and zero would be the lesser of the two amounts. We note that Civil Service employees not eligible for title 5 locality pay may be covered by a pay system under which the pay system administrator has discretion to provide a parallel overseas locality payment under independent authority.
Payment Amount
Under section 9717(b), the DETO locality payment is equal to the lesser of—
(1) the amount of title 5 locality pay the employee would have been paid if the official duty station of the employee had not been changed to an overseas location under the DETO arrangement; or
(2) the amount of overseas locality pay the employee would be paid if the employee were an eligible member of the Foreign Service (i.e., designated class 1 or below for purposes of section 403 of the Foreign Service Act), as provided by section 1113 of the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2009 (Public Law 111-32), as limited by subsequent law and extended through December 31, 2034, by section 7812(b) of the FY 2025 NDAA.
DETO Locality Rates for the General Schedule
The State Department prepares DETO locality pay tables for Civil Service DETOs covered by the General Schedule (GS), which reflects a DETO locality pay percentage equal to 2/3rds of the Washington, DC, locality percentage. This is the same overseas locality pay percentage that applies to Foreign Service employees as described in paragraph (2) of the section titled “Payment Amount.” (See below for the GS DETO locality pay tables for each of the years 2023-2025.) Note that a table with a locality rate equal to 2/3rds of the DC locality rate applies to an employee only if the 2/3rds locality pay percentage in the applicable year is less than the locality pay percentage the employee would have been paid had the official duty station of the employee not been changed to reflect an overseas location under the DETO agreement. In other words, if the title 5 locality pay percentage that would have been paid to an employee without the DETO duty station change is less than the 2/3rds locality pay percentage, then that lesser locality pay percentage is applicable to the overseas DETO. Each agency is responsible for ensuring that a DETO receives the correct locality payment and that the correct pay table is applied to the DETO in the payroll system.
Effective Date
Section 9717(c)(1) states that DETO locality pay must begin to be paid—i.e., the locality pay entitlement must begin to be effective—not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of the FY 2023 NDAA, which was December 23, 2022. Thus, for current DETOs, each agency was required to make the entitlement to DETO locality payments effective no later than February 21, 2023. The effective date could be set retroactively. OPM recommended that the effective date correspond with the beginning of a biweekly pay period. For example, the State Department made DETO locality pay for its employees first effective on January 1, 2023.
DETO locality payments for 2024 took effect on the first day of the first applicable pay period beginning on or after January 1, 2024, which fell on January 14, 2024, based on the standard biweekly payroll cycle.
For 2025, DETO locality payments will take effect on the first day of the first applicable pay period beginning on or after January 1, 2025, which falls on January 12, 2025, based on the standard biweekly payroll cycle.
Treatment of DETO Locality Payment
Section 9717(c)(2) states that DETO locality pay must be treated in the same manner, and subject to the same terms and conditions, as a locality payment under title 5 (5U.S.C. 5304 or 5304a). The treatment of title 5 locality pay is addressed in 5 U.S.C. 5304(c)(2) and 5CFR 531.610. Among other things, this means—
- DETO locality pay is basic pay for the same purposes as title 5 locality pay—e.g., retirement and life insurance.
- DETO locality pay is included as part of basic pay in applying title 5 overtime pay and other premium pay rules. The adjusted rate of basic pay for GS-15, step 10, rate used in establishing an employee’s premium pay cap under 5 U.S.C. 5547 would include the DETO locality payment.
- A DETO receives the highest applicable rate of pay—which could be the DETO locality rate, a special rate under 5 U.S.C. 5305 (based on the DETO’s overseas position and location and not any special rate associated with the former U.S./domestic duty station), or a retained rate under 5U.S.C. 5363. Consistent with the treatment of title 5 locality pay, DETO locality pay is not paid on top of a special rate or a retained rate. (See OPM’s locality pay regulations at 5 CFR 531.608; special rate regulations at 5 CFR 530.303(d) and 530.307(e); and retained rate regulations at 5 CFR 536.308(a)(2) and (c)(2).)
- DETO locality pay is treated the same as title 5 locality pay in applying GS maximum payable rate rules in 5 CFR 531.221-531.223. This is the case even though the receipt of DETO locality pay requires the recipient to be coded in data systems as receiving a special rate. (See section entitled “Pay Rate Determinant (PRD) Code”)
Note: While OPM is not responsible for implementing the DETO locality pay provision, it is responsible for administering various payments (e.g., overtime pay and other premium pay) and for determining how the DETO locality pay interacts with those payments.
Data Coding and Reporting
Agencies must comply with the following instructions on data coding and reporting in connection with DETO locality pay:
Processing Personnel Actions
In documenting a change in the duty station to an overseas location under a DETO agreement, OPM requires that the nature of action code (NOAC) 894 be used with a legal authority of Z2Y (DETO: Sec 9717 of P.L. 117-263). OPM added a rule in Table 17-A of chapter 17 (Pay and Step Changes) in the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions (GPPA), which applies to GS DETOs. OPM directs agencies to use the following rule 30 in Table 17-A:
Rule | If Basis for Action is | And | Then NOAC is | NOA is | Auth Code is | Authority is |
30 |
Establishment, change in percentage, or termination of overseas locality payment for a Domestic Employee Teleworking Overseas (DETO) |
894 | Gen Adj | Z2Y | P.L. 117-263, Sec. 9717 - DETO Locality Payment. |
Since the pay entitlement authority changes when DETO locality pay is established or terminated, use the above rule even if the amount of the employee’s locality payment does not change. OPM established a special legal authority code for actions related to DETO locality pay.
On an employee’s Notification of Personnel Action (SF 50), DETO locality pay should be reported as “Locality Adj.” on the SF 50 (blocks 12B or 20B, as applicable) and included in the “Adj. Basic Pay” (blocks 12C or 20C, as applicable). The Remarks in block 45 must document any change in status related to DETO locality pay. OPM directs agencies to use the following rules 32-35 in Table 17-E:
Rule | If Basis for the Action Is | If | And | Then Remark Code Is | And Remark Is |
32 | Establishment, change in percentage, or termination of overseas locality payment for a Domestic Employee Teleworking Overseas (DETO) | Employee is commencing a temporary assignment working under a DETO agreement | Employee is commencing to receive DETO locality pay | P21 | Employee is commencing a temporary assignment working under a Domestic Employee Teleworking Overseas (DETO) Agreement and commencing to receive DETO locality pay (section 9717 of Public Law 117-263). |
33 | Establishment, change in percentage, or termination of overseas locality payment for a Domestic Employee Teleworking Overseas (DETO) | The percentage amount of the DETO locality payment is changing due to (1) a change in the locality pay percentage for the employee’s former U.S. location, (2) a change in the DC locality pay percentage, or (3) a change in relationship between locality pay in the former U.S. location and locality pay in DC (i.e., a change in which one those rates is lesser). | Rate of pay needs to be adjusted due to locality changes | P22 | Employee’s DETO locality payment has been adjusted due to changes in the payable locality pay percentage. |
34 | Establishment, change in percentage, or termination of overseas locality payment for a Domestic Employee Teleworking Overseas (DETO) | The overseas locality payment for a DETO is terminated for any reason | P23 | Employee is no longer entitled to locality pay in connection with a Domestic Employee Teleworking Overseas (DETO) Agreement. | |
35 | Establishment, change in percentage, or termination of overseas locality payment for a Domestic Employee Teleworking Overseas (DETO) | An employee becomes entitled to locality pay upon termination of their DETO agreement | P24 | Employee is entitled to locality pay under 5 U.S.C. 5304. |
Special Note: When an employee’s DETO locality pay is terminated via a General Adjustment (NOAC 894/LAC ZLM) and the employee will be receiving locality pay under 5 U.S.C. 5304, an additional General Adjustment must be processed, with the same effective date, returning the employee to locality pay under 5 U.S.C. 5304 (NOAC 894/LAC VGR – see rule 23 of Table 17-A, GPPA Chapter 17). These actions may be processed concurrently (on the same SF-52/50) or as separate SF-52/50 actions. In processing the second action, use remark code P24, which states, “Employee is entitled to locality pay under 5 U.S.C. 5304.”
Coding of Payment and Pay Table
For Enterprise Human Resources Integration (EHRI) reporting purposes, the DETO locality pay is considered a “special basic pay supplement” that is connected to a special pay table identifier, similar to a special rate supplement. OPM established a special pay table identifier of OTDX for DETOs who are entitled to a locality payment equal to 2/3rds of the locality payment for Washington, DC. For DETO locality payments equal to locality payments on a domestic locality pay table (in areas where the locality payment is less than two-thirds of the DC locality payment), OPM established special pay table identifier codes as shown in “Special Pay Table Identifier Codes for DETOs” for 2023 through 2025.
Pay Rate Determinant (PRD) Code
At this time, due to current system requirements, OPM directs agencies to use the PRD codes that are associated with special rates (i.e., 5, 6, E, and F) for DETOs who are receiving DETO locality pay in order to provide timely payment to covered employees. This PRD code assignment does not change the statutory requirement to treat DETO locality pay the same as title 5 locality pay for all purposes. (See above discussion of the maximum payable rate rule in the section entitled “Treatment of DETO Locality Payment.”) PRD codes are defined in the Guide to Data Standards.
System edits
Any edits in agencies’ HR data systems or payroll systems that block payment of locality pay in overseas duty stations must be revised to allow DETO locality pay.
If agencies have questions on implementation of DETO locality pay, they should contact The State Department will coordinate with OPM and DOD as necessary.
Law Providing Overseas Locality Pay to DETOs
Section 9717 of Division I (Department of State Authorizations) in the James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2023 (Public Law 117-263, Dec. 23, 2022).
- DEFINITIONS.—In this section:
- CIVIL SERVICE.—The term “civil service” has the meaning given the term in section 2101 of title 5, United States Code.
- COVERED EMPLOYEE.—The term “covered employee” means an employee who—
- occupies a position in the civil service; and
- is working overseas under a Domestic Employee Teleworking Overseas agreement.
- LOCALITY PAY.—The term “locality pay” means a locality-based comparability payment paid in accordance with subsection (b).
- NONFOREIGN AREA.—The term “nonforeign area” has the meaning given the term in section 591.205 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulation.
- OVERSEAS.—The term “overseas” means any geographic location that is not in—
- the continental United States; or
- a nonforeign area.
- PAYMENT OF LOCALITY PAY.—Each covered employee shall be paid locality pay in an amount that is equal to the lesser of—
- the amount of a locality-based comparability payment that the covered employee would have been paid under section 5304 or 5304a of title 5, United States Code, had the official duty station of the covered employee not been changed to reflect an overseas location under the applicable Domestic Employee Teleworking Overseas agreement; or
- the amount of a locality-based comparability payment that the covered employee would be paid under section 1113 of the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2009 (Public Law 111– 32), as limited under section 9802(c)(2) of this Act, if the covered employee were an eligible member of the Foreign Service (as defined in subsection (b) of such section 1113).
- APPLICATION.—Locality pay paid to a covered employee under this section—
- shall begin to be paid not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act; and
- shall be treated in the same manner, and subject to the same terms and conditions, as a locality-based comparability payment paid under section 5304 or 5304a of title 5, United States Code.
2023 DETO Locality Rates
United States Department of State
2023 Civil Service Salary Schedule
Overseas DETO
Effective January 1, 2023
Rates in U.S. Dollars
Grade | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 | Step 9 | Step 10 |
1 | 25,547 | 26,405 | 27,253 | 28,100 | 28,948 | 29,444 | 30,285 | 31,132 | 31,166 | 31,964 |
2 | 28,726 | 29,410 | 30,361 | 31,166 | 31,517 | 32,444 | 33,371 | 34,298 | 35,225 | 36,152 |
3 | 31,344 | 32,390 | 33,435 | 34,480 | 35,525 | 36,570 | 37,615 | 38,660 | 39,705 | 40,750 |
4 | 35,185 | 36,358 | 37,531 | 38,704 | 39,876 | 41,049 | 42,222 | 43,395 | 44,568 | 45,741 |
5 | 39,366 | 40,678 | 41,991 | 43,304 | 44,616 | 45,929 | 47,242 | 48,555 | 49,867 | 51,180 |
6 | 43,883 | 45,345 | 46,807 | 48,270 | 49,732 | 51,195 | 52,657 | 54,119 | 55,582 | 57,044 |
7 | 48,764 | 50,389 | 52,015 | 53,640 | 55,265 | 56,891 | 58,516 | 60,141 | 61,767 | 63,392 |
8 | 54,004 | 55,804 | 57,605 | 59,405 | 61,206 | 63,006 | 64,807 | 66,608 | 68,408 | 70,209 |
9 | 59,647 | 61,635 | 63,623 | 65,611 | 67,599 | 69,587 | 71,575 | 73,563 | 75,551 | 77,539 |
10 | 65,684 | 67,874 | 70,064 | 72,254 | 74,444 | 76,634 | 78,824 | 81,013 | 83,203 | 85,393 |
11 | 72,167 | 74,573 | 76,978 | 79,383 | 81,788 | 84,194 | 86,599 | 89,004 | 91,409 | 93,814 |
12 | 86,499 | 89,382 | 92,266 | 95,149 | 98,032 | 100,916 | 103,799 | 106,682 | 109,566 | 112,449 |
13 | 102,859 | 106,287 | 109,715 | 113,144 | 116,572 | 120,001 | 123,429 | 126,857 | 130,286 | 133,714 |
14 | 121,548 | 125,599 | 129,651 | 133,702 | 137,753 | 141,804 | 145,856 | 149,907 | 153,958 | 158,010 |
15 | 142,972 | 147,738 | 152,503 | 157,269 | 162,034 | 166,800 | 171,565 | 176,330 | 181,096 | 183,500[1] |
Note: Civil Service employees are eligible to receive salary rates in accordance with this schedule only if the locality pay rate associated with this schedule (21.66% in 2023) is less than the locality pay rate the employee would have been paid had the official duty station of the employee not been changed to reflect an overseas duty location under the applicable DETO agreement.
2024 DETO Locality Rates
United States Department of State
2024 Civil Service Salary Schedule
Overseas DETO
Effective January 14, 2024
Rates in U.S. Dollars
Grade | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 | Step 9 | Step 10 |
1 | 26,860 | 27,762 | 28,654 | 29,544 | 30,435 | 30,957 | 31,841 | 32,732 | 32,767 | 33,599 |
2 | 30,203 | 30,921 | 31,922 | 32,767 | 33,137 | 34,112 | 35,087 | 36,062 | 37,037 | 38,012 |
3 | 32,955 | 34,054 | 35,152 | 36,250 | 37,349 | 38,447 | 39,545 | 40,644 | 41,742 | 42,840 |
4 | 36,993 | 38,226 | 39,458 | 40,691 | 41,924 | 43,157 | 44,389 | 45,622 | 46,855 | 48,087 |
5 | 41,389 | 42,768 | 44,147 | 45,527 | 46,906 | 48,285 | 49,665 | 51,044 | 52,423 | 53,802 |
6 | 46,138 | 47,676 | 49,214 | 50,752 | 52,290 | 53,828 | 55,366 | 56,904 | 58,442 | 59,981 |
7 | 51,270 | 52,979 | 54,688 | 56,397 | 58,106 | 59,816 | 61,525 | 63,234 | 64,943 | 66,652 |
8 | 56,779 | 58,671 | 60,563 | 62,456 | 64,348 | 66,241 | 68,133 | 70,025 | 71,918 | 73,810 |
9 | 62,712 | 64,803 | 66,893 | 68,983 | 71,074 | 73,164 | 75,254 | 77,345 | 79,435 | 81,525 |
10 | 69,060 | 71,362 | 73,664 | 75,965 | 78,267 | 80,569 | 82,870 | 85,172 | 87,474 | 89,775 |
11 | 75,876 | 78,405 | 80,934 | 83,463 | 85,992 | 88,521 | 91,050 | 93,579 | 96,107 | 98,636 |
12 | 90,945 | 93,976 | 97,007 | 100,038 | 103,069 | 106,100 | 109,131 | 112,162 | 115,193 | 118,224 |
13 | 108,145 | 111,750 | 115,355 | 118,961 | 122,566 | 126,171 | 129,776 | 133,382 | 136,987 | 140,592 |
14 | 127,795 | 132,055 | 136,315 | 140,575 | 144,835 | 149,095 | 153,355 | 157,615 | 161,875 | 166,135 |
15 | 150,319 | 155,329 | 160,340 | 165,350 | 170,360 | 175,370 | 180,380 | 185,391 | 190,401 | 191,900[2] |
Note: Civil Service employees are eligible to receive salary rates in accordance with this schedule only if the locality pay rate associated with this schedule (22.17% in 2024) is less than the locality pay rate the employee would have been paid had the official duty station of the employee not been changed to reflect an overseas duty location under the applicable DETO agreement.
2025 DETO Locality Rates
United States Department of State
2025 Civil Service Salary Schedule
Overseas DETO
Effective January 12, 2025
Rates in U.S. Dollars
Grade | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 | Step 9 | Step 10 |
1 |
27,418 |
28,337 |
29,249 |
30,157 |
31,067 |
31,599 |
32,502 |
33,410 |
33,447 |
34,297 |
2 |
30,829 |
31,562 |
32,584 |
33,447 |
33,822 |
34,817 |
35,811 |
36,806 |
37,800 |
38,795 |
3 |
33,640 |
34,760 |
35,881 |
37,002 |
38,123 |
39,243 |
40,364 |
41,485 |
42,606 |
43,726 |
4 |
37,761 |
39,020 |
40,279 |
41,539 |
42,798 |
44,057 |
45,317 |
46,576 |
47,835 |
49,095 |
5 |
42,247 |
43,655 |
45,063 |
46,471 |
47,878 |
49,286 |
50,694 |
52,101 |
53,509 |
54,917 |
6 |
47,095 |
48,664 |
50,234 |
51,803 |
53,373 |
54,942 |
56,512 |
58,081 |
59,651 |
61,220 |
7 |
52,333 |
54,078 |
55,823 |
57,568 |
59,313 |
61,057 |
62,802 |
64,547 |
66,292 |
68,037 |
8 |
57,956 |
59,889 |
61,821 |
63,754 |
65,686 |
67,619 |
69,551 |
71,484 |
73,416 |
75,349 |
9 |
64,014 |
66,147 |
68,281 |
70,415 |
72,548 |
74,682 |
76,815 |
78,949 |
81,082 |
83,216 |
10 |
70,493 |
72,842 |
75,192 |
77,541 |
79,891 |
82,240 |
84,589 |
86,939 |
89,288 |
91,638 |
11 |
77,450 |
80,032 |
82,613 |
85,194 |
87,775 |
90,356 |
92,937 |
95,519 |
98,100 |
100,681 |
12 |
92,831 |
95,926 |
99,021 |
102,115 |
105,210 |
108,305 |
111,400 |
114,495 |
117,590 |
120,685 |
13 |
110,389 |
114,068 |
117,748 |
121,428 |
125,108 |
128,788 |
132,468 |
136,147 |
139,827 |
143,507 |
14 |
130,446 |
134,794 |
139,142 |
143,490 |
147,838 |
152,186 |
156,534 |
160,882 |
165,230 |
169,579 |
15 |
153,438 |
158,553 |
163,667 |
168,782 |
173,896 |
179,010 |
184,125 |
189,239 |
194,354 |
195,200[3] |
Note: Civil Service employees are eligible to receive salary rates in accordance with this schedule only if the locality pay rate associated with this schedule (22.62% in 2025) is less than the locality pay rate the employee would have been paid had the official duty station of the employee not been changed to reflect an overseas duty location under the applicable DETO agreement.
Special Pay Table Identifier Codes for DETOs
The table below provides special pay table identifier (SPTI) codes that must be used for DETOs in 2025.
In 2023, there were 32 locality pay areas that had a locality pay percentage that was lower than 2/3rds of the locality pay percentage applicable to employees stationed in Washington, DC (21.66 percent in 2023). Since these codes correspond to locality pay areas, we are using the applicable EHRI two-character locality pay area code as the last two characters in special pay table identifier code. Each special pay table identifier begins with “OT” which represents “overseas telework.” For example, the special pay table code for DETOs whose overseas locality pay is linked to locality pay for the St. Louis locality pay area would be “OTSL”. For DETOs whose overseas locality pay is fixed at 2/3rds of the locality payment for Washington, DC (21.66 percent in 2023), the special pay table identifier code is “OTDX.” OPM authorized agencies to immediately commence using these DETO special pay table identifier codes. OPM recognized the 32 codes as effective as of January 1, 2023.
In 2024, there were 38 locality pay areas that currently have a locality pay percentage that is lower than 2/3rds of the locality pay percentage applicable to employees stationed in Washington, DC (22.17 percent in 2024). The additional areas in 2024 were Fresno-Madera-Hanford, CA (OTFN); Reno-Fernley, NV (OTRN); Rochester-Batavia-Seneca Falls, NY (OTRT); Spokane-Spokane Valley-Coeur d’Alene, WA-ID (OTSN); Cleveland-Akron-Canton, OH-PA (OTCL); and Milwaukee-Racine-Waukesha, WI (OTML). OPM recognized these additional codes as effective as of January 14, 2024
In 2025, the same 38 locality pay areas from 2024 will continue to have a locality pay percentage lower than 2/3rds of the rate applicable to employees in Washington, DC (22.62 percent in 2025). The effective date for these 38 codes is January 12, 2025.
The table below also provides a crosswalk to corresponding 2025 locality pay table codes used by OPM for other purposes.
SPTI | SPTI Description (including description of and code for locality pay area to which the special pay table is linked) | Corresponding Locality Pay Table Code |
OTAL | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Albany-Schenectady, NY-MA [AL] | AL |
OTAQ | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Albuquerque-Santa Fe-Las Vegas, NM [AQ] | AQ |
OTAU | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Austin-Round Rock, TX [AU] | AU |
OTBH | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Birmingham-Hoover-Talladega, AL [BH] | BH |
OTBU | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Buffalo-Cheektowaga, NY [BU] | BU |
OTBN | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Burlington-South Burlington, VT [BN] | BN |
OTCT | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Charlotte-Concord, NC-SC [CT] | CT |
OTCI | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay Cincinnati-Wilmington-Maysville, OH-KY-IN [CI] | CIN |
OTCL | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Cleveland-Akron-Canton, OH-PA [CL] | CLE |
OTCS | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Colorado Springs, CO [CS] | CS |
OTCO | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Columbus-Marion-Zanesville, OH [CO] | COL |
OTCC | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Corpus Christi-Kingsville-Alice, TX [CC] | CC |
OTDV | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Davenport-Moline, IA-IL [DV] | DV |
OTDG | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Dayton-Springfield-Sidney, OH [DG] | DAY |
OTDM | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Des Moines-Ames-West Des Moines, IA [DM] | DM |
OTFN | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay are Fresno-Madera-Hanford, CA | FN |
OTHB | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Harrisburg-Lebanon, PA [HB] | HB |
OTHU | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Huntsville-Decatur-Albertville, AL [HU] | HNT |
OTHI | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Hawaii [HI] | HI |
OTIN | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Indianapolis-Carmel-Muncie, IN [IN] | IND |
OTKC | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Kansas City-Overland Park-Kansas City, MO-KS [KC] | KC |
OTLR | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Laredo, TX [LR] | LR |
OTLV | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Las Vegas-Henderson, NV-AZ [LV] | LV |
OTML | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Milwaukee-Racine-Waukesha, WI [ML] | MIL |
OTOM | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Omaha-Council Bluffs-Fremont, NE-IA [OM] | OM |
OTPB | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Palm Bay-Melbourne-Titusville, FL [PB] | PB |
OTPX | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale, AZ [PX] | PX |
OTPI | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Pittsburgh-New Castle-Weirton, PA-OH-WV [PI] | PIT |
OTRA | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, NC [RA] | RA |
OTRN | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Reno-Fernley, NV [RN] | RN |
OTRT | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Rochester-Batavia-Seneca Falls, NY [RT] | RT |
OTZX | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Rest of U.S. [ZX] | RUS |
OTRI | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Richmond, VA [RI] | RCH |
OTSO | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area San Antonio-New Braunfels-Pearsall, TX [SO] | SO |
OTSL | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area St. Louis-St. Charles-Farmington, MO-IL [SL] | SL |
OTSN | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Spokane-Spokane Valley-Coeur D’Alene, WA-ID [SN] | SN |
OTTU | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Tucson-Nogales, AZ [TU] | TU |
OTVB | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Virginia Beach-Norfolk, VA-NC [VB] | VB |
OTDX | For DETO overseas locality pay linked to locality pay area Washington-Baltimore-Arlington, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA [WA]– 2/3rds of locality pay for that area |
Linked to DCB |
[1] Rate limited to the rate for level IV of the Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5304 (g)(1)) which was $183,500 in 2023.
[2] Rate limited to the rate for level IV of the Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5304 (g)(1)) which is $191,900 in 2024.
[3] Rate limited to the rate for level IV of the Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5304 (g)(1)) which is $195,200 in 2025.