Whether your agency needs to fill open positions, create new job opportunities, or make emergency hires, OPM can help! Explore Federal policies, guidance, and best practices and find tools to increase your hiring success.
Where to Start
Types of Hires
Learn more about the three types of Federal service: Competitive, Excepted, and Senior Executive.
Hiring Authorities
Find more information about the variety of appointing authorities Federal agencies may use to meet their hiring goals.
Assessing Job Applications
Use OPM's resources and guidance to find and hire the best-qualified job candidates.
Improving the Federal Hiring Experience
OPM's Response to the Presidential Memo
USAJOBS Agency Talent Portal
Discover highly skilled talent on our recruitment platform for HR specialists, recruiters, hiring managers, disability program managers, and event coordinators.
Playbook for Rebuilding the Federal Workforce
Reference HR flexibilities, authorities, actions, and other resources that will assist agencies to strategically plan, recruit and hire a dynamic workforce.