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Federal Civilian Employment

by Major Geographic Area, State, and Selected Agency Executive Branch and Selected Other Agencies* , Non-Postal, Non-Seasonal, Full-time, Permanent Employees and All Annuitants

September 2017

Geographic AreaAll Agencies*Percent of TotalDepartment of DefenseAnnuitantsAnnuitants + Employees
Total, All Areas** 1,869,986 100.00% 676,840 2,579,861 4,449,847
Unspecified 1,124 0.06% 270 10 1,134
Outside of the United States and US Territories 21,393 1.14% 17,338 22,551 43,944
United States*** 1,847,469 98.80% 659,232 2,557,300 4,404,769
District of Columbia 141,367 7.56% 11,693 36,575 177,942
Fifty States 1,693,382 90.56% 644,218 2,511,207 4,204,589
US Territories 12,720 0.68% 3,321 9,518 22,238
Washington, DC-MD-VA-WV, CBSA 282,666 15.12% 61,002 306,760 589,426
   District of Columbia 141,367 7.56% 11,693 36,575 177,942
   Maryland counties 67,583 3.61% 13,903 136,077 203,660
   Virginia counties and independent cities 72,549 3.88% 35,403 118,508 191,057
   West Virginia counties  1,167 0.06% 3 15,600 16,767
Alabama 37,386 2.00% 22,056 57,897 95,283
Alaska 10,398 0.56% 4,483 8,192 18,590
Arizona 38,087 2.04% 8,212 57,006 95,093
Arkansas 12,557 0.67% 3,124 24,432 36,989
California 152,466 8.15% 57,795 209,915 362,381
Colorado 36,848 1.97% 10,596 50,869 87,717
Connecticut 7,998 0.43% 2,298 14,667 22,665
Delaware 3,039 0.16% 1,250 10,823 13,862
Florida 89,504 4.79% 29,793 178,212 267,716
Georgia 71,739 3.84% 31,203 87,281 159,020
Hawaii 23,453 1.25% 18,135 21,975 45,428
Idaho 7,731 0.41% 1,253 15,704 23,435
Illinois 44,760 2.39% 11,961 68,828 113,588
Indiana 22,610 1.21% 10,397 37,010 59,620
Iowa 8,042 0.43% 1,313 21,002 29,044
Kansas 15,672 0.84% 6,237 24,486 40,158
Kentucky 22,181 1.19% 8,870 33,381 55,562
Louisiana 19,537 1.04% 5,579 27,615 47,152
Maine 11,285 0.60% 7,726 13,957 25,242
Maryland 120,705 6.45% 42,469 162,053 282,758
Massachusettes 25,063 1.34% 5,896 41,292 66,355
Michigan 27,405 1.47% 8,565 45,727 73,132
Minnesota 16,795 0.90% 2,021 30,007 46,802
Mississippi 17,295 0.92% 8,122 25,533 42,828
Missouri 33,377 1.78% 6,741 53,717 87,094
Montana 8,589 0.46% 1,184 13,670 22,259
Nebraska 10,468 0.56% 3,835 13,399 23,867
Nevada 12,186 0.65% 2,250 24,828 37,014
New Hampshire 4,331 0.23% 854 12,820 17,151
New Jersey 24,758 1.32% 9,718 51,992 76,750
New Mexico 21,954 1.17% 6,094 27,835 49,789
New York 60,727 3.25% 9,714 90,647 151,374
North Carolina 42,772 2.29% 19,312 78,061 120,833
North Dakota 5,460 0.29% 1,505 6,538 11,998
Ohio 49,450 2.64% 24,423 74,556 124,006
Oklahoma 37,486 2.00% 22,886 46,560 84,046
Oregon 17,252 0.92% 2,596 34,293 51,545
Pennsylvania 62,366 3.34% 22,734 107,546 169,912
Rhode Island 6,864 0.37% 4,311 7,590 14,454
South Carolina 21,050 1.13% 9,335 45,875 66,925
South Dakota 7,547 0.40% 1,193 10,570 18,117
Tennesse 25,099 1.34% 5,228 47,883 72,982
Texas 132,952 7.11% 44,404 172,744 305,696
Utah 26,109 1.40% 14,611 34,155 60,264
Vermont 4,845 0.26% 506 4,588 9,433
Virginia 144,295 7.72% 88,915 162,892 307,187
Washington 53,211 2.85% 27,918 68,707 121,918
West Virginia 18,656 1.00% 1,488 18,373 37,029
Wisconsin 14,045 0.75% 2,155 27,516 41,561
Wyoming 4,977 0.27% 954 5,988 10,965

* Includes all Non-Postal Executive Branch Agencies as well as the Government Printing Office (LP), the U.S. Tax Court (LT), the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (ZL), the U.S. Commision on International Religious Freedom (ZP), the U.S. China Economic & Security Review Comision (ZS), the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission (ZU), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (DJ02).

** Includes unspecified geographic location

*** Includes U. S. territories

NA = Not Applicable

Policy and Planning Analysis, Data Analysis Group
Enterprise Human Resource Integration (EHRI)-Statistical Data Mart (SDM)

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