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Appendix E: Program and Project Management Competency Model Proficiency Level Guidance

The following tables present the proficiency level scale and the proficiency levels associated with each Program and Project Manager competency by band. Please note these proficiency levels are based on Government-wide data and are provided as guidance for training and development. Required proficiency levels may vary based on an agency's specific occupational needs and position requirements. 

Proficiency Level Scale

Proficiency General Competencies Technical Competencies
0 = Not needed
  • Competency is not needed.
  • Competency is not needed.
1 = Awareness
  • Applies the competency in the simplest situations.
  • Requires close and extensive guidance.
  • Applies the competency in the simplest situations.
  • Requires close and extensive guidance.
  • Demonstrates awareness of concepts and processes.
2 = Basic
  • Applies the competency in the simplest situations.
  • Requires frequent guidance.
  • Applies the competency in somewhat difficult situations.
  • Requires frequent guidance.
  • Demonstrates familiarity with concepts and processes.
3 = Intermediate
  • Applies the competency in difficult situations.
  • Requires occasional guidance.
  • Applies the competency in difficult situations.
  • Requires occasional guidance.
  • Demonstrates understanding of concepts and processes.
4 = Advanced
  • Applies the competency in considerably difficult situations.
  • Generally requires little or no guidance.
  • Applies the competency in considerably difficult situations.
  • Generally requires little or no guidance.
  • Demonstrates broad understanding of concepts and processes.
5 = Expert
  • Applies the competency in exceptionally difficult situations.
  • Serve as a key resource and advises others.
  • Applies the competency in exceptionally difficult situations.
  • Serve as a key resource and advises others.

Program Management Competency Model - Technical

Competency GS 9-11 GS 12-13 GS 14-15
Capital Planning and Investment Assessment 1 1 2
Cost-Benefit Analysis 1 2 2
Financial Analysis 1 2 2
Contracting/Procurement 1 2 2
Business Process Reengineering 1 2 2
Acquisition Strategy 1 2 2
Change Management 2 2 3
Financial Management 2 2 3
Requirements Management 2 2 3
Risk Management 2 2 3
Quality Management 2 2 3
Performance Measurement 2 2 3
Knowledge Management 2 2 3
Project Management 2 3 3
Scope Management 2 3 3
Stakeholder Management 2 3 3
Schedule Management 2 3 3
Compliance 2 3 3
Program Management 2 3 3

Program Management Competency Model - General

Competency GS 9-11 GS 12-13 GS 14-15
Manages Human Resources 1 2 3
Legal, Government and Jurisprudence 2 2 3
Manages Resources 2 2 3
Political Savvy 2 2 3
External Awareness 2 2 3
Strategic Thinking 2 3 3
Teaching Others 2 3 3
Leadership 2 3 3
Team Building 2 3 3
Influencing/Negotiating 2 3 3
Partnering 2 3 3
Information Management 2 3 3
Organizational Awareness 3 3 3
Planning and Evaluating 3 3 3
Conflict Management 3 3 3
Technical Credibility 3 3 3
Creative Thinking 3 3 3
Technology Application 3 3 3
Flexibility 3 3 3
Reasoning 3 3 3
Teamwork 3 3 3
Technical Competence 3 3 3
Customer Service 3 3 3
Decision Making 3 3 4
Problem Solving 3 3 4
Oral Communication 3 3 4
Reading Comprehension 3 3 4
Accountability 3 3 4
Interpersonal Skills 3 3 4
Attention to Detail 3 3 4
Writing 3 3 4
Integrity/Honesty 4 4 4

Project Management Competency Model - Technical

Competency GS 9-11 GS 12-13 GS 14-15
Business Process Reengineering 1 2 2
Capital Planning and Investment Assessment 1 2 2
Acquisition Strategy 1 3 2
Contracting/Procurement 1 3 2
Financial Analysis 2 2 2
Program Management 2 2 2
Cost-Benefit Analysis 2 2 2
Change Management 2 2 3
Performance Measurement 2 2 3
Scope Management 2 3 3
Requirements Management 2 3 3
Risk Management 2 3 3
Quality Management 2 3 3
Stakeholder Management 2 3 3
Schedule Management 2 3 3
Project Management 2 3 4
Financial Management 3 2 3
Compliance 3 3 3
Knowledge Management 3 3 3

Project Management Competency Model - General

Competency GS 9-11 GS 12-13 GS 14-15
Manages Human Resources 1 2 2
External Awareness 1 2 2
Political Savvy 1 2 2
Legal, Government and Jurisprudence 2 2 2
Manages Resources 2 1 3
Teaching Others 2 2 3
Strategic Thinking 2 2 3
Leadership 2 3 3
Oral Communication 2 3 3
Partnering 2 3 3
Organizational Awareness 2 3 3
Technical Credibility 2 3 3
Creative Thinking 2 3 3
Information Management 2 3 3
Planning and Evaluating 2 3 3
Influencing/Negotiating 2 3 3
Conflict Management 2 3 3
Flexibility 3 3 3
Technology Application 3 3 3
Problem Solving 3 3 3
Decision Making 3 3 3
Reasoning 3 3 3
Team Building 3 3 3
Writing 3 3 3
Reading Comprehension 3 3 3
Teamwork 3 3 3
Customer Service 3 3 3
Interpersonal Skills 3 3 3
Technical Competence 3 3 4
Accountability 3 3 4
Attention to Detail 3 3 4
Integrity/Honesty 3 4 4
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