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Assessment Questionnaire

Assessment Questionnaire Development

Assessment questionnaires that measure expertise in job-related tasks are an efficient and effective way to screen and evaluate applicants. This assessment type is firmly grounded in the duties of the position and lets candidates identify their relevant experience. Self-report questions are carefully developed to identify specific behaviors, education, and experience that will separate good candidates from great ones.

As your partner, Staff Acquisition can assist you with occupational-based assessment questionnaires in a variety of ways.

  • Develop the assessment and administer it on your behalf.
  • Develop an assessment questionnaire you can load directly into your current automated system or use it to assess applicants manually.
  • Work with your subject matter experts to develop assessment questionnaire templates that can be used across your organization.
  • Conduct a quality review of the assessments your HR staff have developed, providing recommendations for improvement.
  • Facilitate your working groups that are tasked with developing complex assessment questionnaire templates.

Train your HR staff to develop effective assessment questionnaires. Please check out our Best Practices in Assessment Questionnaire Development training.

Assessment questionnaires can be combined with innovative and robust online assessment solutions using USA HireSM, HRS’s online assessment platform. View information on how to integrate an assessment questionnaire with USA HireSM, contact

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