Position Classification
We will partner with you to assess the current management of your organization’s positions and to develop a framework for an effective position management program. In a position management analysis, we review the types, grades, and numbers of positions in comparison with functions and workload; review position descriptions for accuracy and clarity; compute supervisory ratios; and assess career paths, career ladders, and the balance between support positions and those assigned to perform the mission-oriented functions of the organization. We will deliver to you a written analysis of our findings along with recommendations for achieving greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
Position Classification Services include:
- On-site or virtual desk audits
- Development of position descriptions
- Development of standardized position descriptions
- Development or enhancement of position description libraries
- Development of comprehensive or standard evaluation statements
- Development of customized workshops on classification principles and policies
As part of the classification process, we can provide you an independent, third party analysis of your encumbered positions. We develop interview questions, in both survey and interview format, to capture in-depth information about the characteristics of the position that impact the classification; conduct interviews with the incumbent, supervisor, and other subject matter experts with knowledge pertinent to the proper classification of the position, and examine work samples and documents that illustrate the kind and level of work performed. We compare desk audit information and relevant information from the organizational assessment with criteria found in the appropriate Office of Personnel Management Position Classification Standards, appeals findings, and any Agency specific classification criteria. Based on results from this comparative analysis, we determine the proper title, series, and grade for the position and recommend a classification decision. We provide you a detailed evaluation statement that documents the basis for the recommendation.
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Position Classification Fact Sheet
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For additional information on this topic, or to learn more about implementing the best strategies today for the best workforce tomorrow, contact us via email at HRStrategy@opm.gov.