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Contact Us

Working with OPM has never been easier. We start with an Interagency Agreement. A separate funding document is required to transfer funds—this can be the same form your agency uses. We also have a variety of templates with instructions and guidelines to help with your market research and requirements development.

Not sure where to start? Ask your HCIS Program Project Manager for help, or call 202-606-0482 to start the conversation.

Learn about the HCaTS Contracts from HR Solutions customers and partners including the Small Business Administration, the Department of Energy, and Booz Allen Hamilton. Watch a recent viewcast(external link) in which they offer insights and information about HCaTS’ unique benefits, including flexibility, speed to mission, and small business inclusion.

HCaTS Communities of Practice (CoP)

In the HCaTS Community of Practice (CoP)(external link), customers will have access to resources that will allow them to utilize the HCaTS Contracts for maximum impact to their human capital work to drive agency results. The CoP connects the human capital community to human capital experts and to templates, tools, best practices, and lessons learned. In addition to visiting the CoP Hub(external link), you can join the HCaTS Community Group(external link) and email to be placed on the distribution list for CoP updates!


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