Reference Materials
FEHB Regulations
The U.S. Government Printing Office website(external link) will allow you to access the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program regulations and link Federal Employees Health Benefits Program regulations.
Once in this website, select Title 5; then select Chapter 1 Parts 700-1199; then select Part 890 for the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program or Part 891 for Retired Federal Employees Hleath Benefits.
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Regulations Documents
Code of Federal Regulations
Title 5 - Administrative Personnel
Chapter I - Office of Personnel Management
Part 890 - Federal employees health benefits program
- 890.101 Definitions; time computations.(PDF file)
- 890.102 Coverage.(PDF file)
- 890.103 Correction of errors.(PDF file)
- 890.104 Initial decision and reconsideration on enrollment.(PDF file)
- 890.105 Filing claims for payment or service.(PDF file)
- 890.106 Delegation of authority for resolving certain contract disputes.(PDF file)
- 890.107 Court review.(PDF file)
- 890.108 Waiver of requirements for continued coverage during retirement.(PDF file)
- 890.109 Exclusion of certain periods of eligibility when determining continued coverage during retirement.(PDF file)
- 890.110 Enrollment reconciliation.(PDF file)
- 890.201 Minimum standards for health benefits plans.(PDF file)
- 890.202 Minimum standards for health benefits carriers.(PDF file)
- 890.203 Application for approval of, and proposal of amendments to, health benefit plans.(PDF file)
- 890.204 Withdrawal of approval of health benefits plans or carriers.(PDF file)
- 890.205 Nonrenewal of contracts of health benefits plans.(PDF file)
- 890.301 Opportunities for employees who are not participants in premium conversion to enroll or change enrollment; effective dates.(PDF file)
- 890.302 Coverage of family members.(PDF file)
- 890.303 Continuation of enrollment.(PDF file)
- 890.304 Termination of enrollment.(PDF file)
- 890.305 Reinstatement of enrollment after military service.(PDF file)
- 890.306 Opportunities for annuitants to change enrollment or to reenroll; effective dates.(PDF file)
- 890.307 Waiver or suspension of annuity or compensation.(PDF file)
- 890.308(PDF file)
- 890.401 Temporary extension of coverage and conversion.(PDF file)
- 890.501 Government contributions.(PDF file)
- 890.502 Employee withholdings and contributions.(PDF file)
- 890.503 Reserves.(PDF file)
- 890.504 Disposition of contingency reserves upon reorganization or merger of plans.(PDF file)
- 890.505 Recurring premium payments to carriers.(PDF file)
- 890.601 Coverage.(PDF file)
- 890.602 Opportunity to change enrollment.(PDF file)
- 890.603 Effective date.(PDF file)
- 890.605 Persons confined on effective date.(PDF file)
- 890.701 Definitions.(PDF file)
- 890.702 Payment to any licensed practitioner.(PDF file)
- 890.801 Introduction.(PDF file)
- 890.802 Definition.(PDF file)
- 890.803 Who may enroll.(PDF file)
- 890.804 Coverage.(PDF file)
- 890.805 Application time limitations.(PDF file)
- 890.806 Opportunities for former spouses to enroll and change enrollment; effective dates of enrollment.(PDF file)
- 890.807 Termination of enrollment.(PDF file)
- 890.808 Employing office responsibilities.(PDF file)
- 890.901 Purpose.(PDF file)
- 890.902 Definition.(PDF file)
- 890.903 Covered services.(PDF file)
- 890.904 Determination of FEHB benefit payment.(PDF file)
- 890.905 Limits on inpatient hospital and physician charges.(PDF file)
- 890.906 Retired enrolled individuals coinsurance payments.(PDF file)
- 890.907 Effective dates.(PDF file)
- 890.908 Notification of HHS.(PDF file)
- 890.909 End-of-year settlements.(PDF file)
- 890.910 Provider information.(PDF file)
- 890.1002 Definitions.(PDF file)
- 890.1003 Standards for OPM determinations of excessive charges, overprescribing, and services or supplies of a poor quality in connection with claims presented under this chapter.(PDF file)
- 890.1004 Standards for determining either the period of debarment or the amount of civil monetary penalties or assessments.(PDF file)
- 890.1005 Effective dates and notices.(PDF file)
- 890.1006 Payment of claims for service or supplies furnished by debarred providers.(PDF file)
- 890.1101 Purpose.(PDF file)
- 890.1102 Definitions.(PDF file)
- 890.1103 Eligibility.(PDF file)
- 890.1104 Notification by agency.(PDF file)
- 890.1105 Initial election of temporary continuation of coverage; application time limitations and effective dates.(PDF file)
- 890.1106 Coverage.(PDF file)
- 890.1107 Length of temporary continuation of coverage.(PDF file)
- 890.1108 Opportunities to change enrollment; effective dates(PDF file)
- 890.1109 Premium payments.(PDF file)
- 890.1110 Termination of enrollment or coverage.(PDF file)
- 890.1111 Employing office responsibilities.(PDF file)
- 890.1112 Denial of continuation of coverage due to involuntary separation for gross misconduct.(PDF file)
- 890.1113 The administrative charge.(PDF file)
- 890.1201 Purpose.(PDF file)
- 890.1202 Definitions.(PDF file)
- 890.1203 Coverage.(PDF file)
- 890.1204 Effective date of coverage.(PDF file)
- 890.1205 Change in type of enrollment.(PDF file)
- 890.1206 Cancellation of coverage.(PDF file)
- 890.1207 Termination of coverage.(PDF file)
- 890.1208 Premiums.(PDF file)
- 890.1209 Responsibilities of the U.S. Department of State.(PDF file)
- 890.1210 Reconsideration and appeal rights.(PDF file)
- 890.1301 Purpose.(PDF file)
- 890.1302 Duration.(PDF file)
- 890.1303 Eligibility.(PDF file)
- 890.1304 Enrollment.(PDF file)
- 890.1305 Termination and cancellation.(PDF file)
- 890.1306 Government premium contributions.(PDF file)
- 890.1307 Data collection.(PDF file)
- 890.1308 Carrier participation.(PDF file)
Part 891 - Retired federal employees health benefits
- 891.102 Definitions.(PDF file)
- 891.103 Eligibility.(PDF file)
- 891.104 Responsibilities of retirement offices.(PDF file)
- 891.105 Correction of errors.(PDF file)
- 891.106 Reconsideration.(PDF file)
- 891.201 Election.(PDF file)
- 891.202 Change of election.(PDF file)
- 891.301 Suspension and termination.(PDF file)
- 891.401 Government contributions.(PDF file)
- 891.402 Withholdings.(PDF file)
- 891.501 Standards for uniform plan.(PDF file)
- 891.502 Standards for carrier of uniform plan.(PDF file)