Message from the OPM CIO

Guy Cavallo
Chief Information Officer
This IT Strategic Plan has been developed to carefully align with OPM’s four-year Strategic Plan for FY 2022-2026. This plan calls for IT to drive positive operational outcomes across OPM by leveraging digital technologies that better manage complexity, provide scale, and mitigate risks for the federal workforce. It is an ambitious vision, based on a commitment to data-driven decision making enabled by cloud-based access to a variety of information sources.
OPM has a vibrant future, and a strong need to better modernize its services has been identified by both internal and external analysis. There are a number of legacy IT systems that must be addressed and rectified. The purpose of this Strategic Plan is to provide the to OPM’s IT modernization future.
Additionally, during these past eight years, technology innovation has not remained static. For example, worldwide cloud revenue in 2014 was $12.4 billion. This has now grown to $331 billion in 2022, a 27-times explosion. As stated in the President’s Management Agenda: “Cybersecurity and IT modernization are critical tools that must be at the foundation of government management.” We must catch up and keep pace with the evolving technology landscape.
This OPM IT Strategic Plan is designed to close the gap on that pace of technology change versus our legacy technology debt. It highlights our OCIO vision, mission, and guiding principles from last fiscal year, which laid the foundation for this plan. To develop this IT Strategic Plan, we engaged our program offices, reviewed external and internal IT studies, and hosted many sessions to develop the plan’s framework. The plan highlights the methodology and approach that we used, and includes detailed appendices that demonstrate the alignment of the enterprise IT initiatives to the agency’s Strategic Plan.
Finally, this can’t just be a technology product roadmap. To deliver on this vision, we need the personnel with capabilities and skills in these digital technologies and IT management practices. A key goal of this Strategic Plan is to provide the training and mentoring required to develop and maintain such a workforce.
My commitment as OPM’s CIO is to leverage emerging technologies, cloud services, and modern IT management practices to help OPM bring the best HR processes, tools, and techniques to the federal workplace.
Guy Cavallo
Chief Information Officer