Message from the Director

Robert H. Shriver, III
Acting Director
I am pleased to present the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Agency Financial Report (AFR). This report highlights OPM’s commitment to its Government-wide fiduciary responsibilities, FY 2024 accomplishments, and accountability, efficiency, and transparency with the $1.3 trillion in financial assets related to the Federal earned benefits trust funds and the discretionary resources Congress provides. This AFR also demonstrates our commitment to serve and support Federal agencies in workforce policies, programs, and benefits that serve the American people. The performance and financial data presented in this AFR is complete and reliable. OPM has proudly received an unmodified “clean” audit opinion on its financial statements for 25 consecutive years.
As Acting Director, it is my privilege to continue progress begun by my predecessor, former Director Kiran Ahuja, to build and support an exceptional Federal workforce through Priority One of the President’s Management Agenda. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Strengthening longstanding protections and merit system principles for approximately two million career civil servants;
- Positioning the Federal Government as a leader in pay equity;
- Reforming, modernizing, and expanding critical programs like Pathways, which create avenues for early career talent, for the first time in more than a decade;
- Partnering with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on guidance to improve the Federal hiring experience and expand opportunities for military-connected spouses and families;
- Strengthening the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP);
- Launching the Postal Service Health Benefits Program (PSHBP); and
- Reducing the Retirement Services backlog to the lowest levels in over six years.
OPM remains dedicated to investing resources on organizational transformation and serving as the leader in Federal human capital management. OPM proudly reports the information technology material weakness has been downgraded by the external auditors, based on the audit remediation efforts and corrective actions made during FY 2024. OPM will continue to complete the remaining corrective actions to strengthen the information technology operations. The pages that follow demonstrate the critical contributions OPM made to these and other efforts throughout FY 2024. OPM’s workforce is committed to delivering tangible results for Federal agencies and the American people, both now and in the future. We will continue to improve program performance to maximize taxp
Robert H. Shriver, III
Acting Director
United States Office of Personnel Management
November 15, 2024