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Summary of Performance Results

In this section, OPM summarizes the performance results for each objective in its FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. OPM gauges its progress toward each objective using one or more performance measures.

The agency compares actual performance to targets. In some instances, noted with the phrase Establish Baseline, measures are new and there is no baseline data. In those cases, OPM deferred setting firm targets until the agency collects enough data to set ambitious, but achievable, targets.

The tables that follow display performance results, ordered by strategic goal, for FY 2023, where available. Trends are visualized in small “spark” charts that represent the FY 2023 results, subject to data availability. Note that the scales of spark charts are not displayed, and they are automatically adjusted to “zoom in” on the data. This can have the effect of making small changes appear more significant, while making large changes appear less significant.

In the next section, OPM explains any variances or trends, identifies any successful or promising practices, and, where OPM did not meet targets, describes plans for improvement. Please refer to the specific table numbers that follow for additional details, including explanations of the results.

Strategic Goal 1: Position the Federal Government as a model employer, improving the Government-wide satisfaction index score by 4 points.

Strategic Objective 1.1: Achieve a Federal workforce that is drawn from the diversity of America, exhibited at all levels of Government, by supporting agencies in fostering diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible workplaces. By FY 2026, increase a Government-wide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility index score by 6 percentage points.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
1.1.001 Government-wide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility index score - - - 69 71 72 Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Strategic Objective 1.2: Develop a Government-wide vision and strategy and implement policies and initiatives that embrace the future of work and position the Federal Government as a model employer with respect to hiring, talent development, competitive pay, benefits, and workplace flexibilities.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
1.2.001 Percent of CHCOs who report they have the necessary guidance and resources from OPM to inform their future of work planning - - - 81.82% 61.29% 84.82% Not Met
1.2.002 Percent of CHCOs who report they find the services from OPM to inform their future of work planning helpful - - - 69.70% 63.33% 72.70% Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Strategic Objective 1.3: Build the skills of the Federal workforce through hiring and training. By FY 2026, increase the Government-wide percentage of respondents who agree that their work unit has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals by 4 points.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
1.3.001 Percent of respondents who agree that their work units have the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals 81 82 80 79 80 81 Not Met
1.3.002 Average score for hiring manager satisfaction that applicants to human resources, acquisitions, and cybersecurity positions are referred in a timely manner with the necessary skills to perform the job - - - 4.17 4.04 4.18 Not Met
1.3.003 Percent of vacancies using alternative assessments to replace or augment the self-report occupational questionnaire - 9.05% 10.54% 8.12% 11.43% 7.00% Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Strategic Objective 1.4: Champion the Federal workforce by engaging and recognizing Federal employees and elevating their work. By FY 2026, increase the number of social media engagements on recognition-focused content by 15 percent.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
1.4.002 Number of social media engagements on recognition-focused content - - - 195,389 156,066 205,149 Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Strategic Goal 2: Transform OPM’s organizational capacity and capability to better serve as the leader in Federal human capital management.

Strategic Objective 2.1: Build the skills of the OPM workforce and attract skilled talent. By FY 2026, increase the percentage of OPM employees who agree that their work unit has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals by 3 percentage points.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
2.1.001 Percent of respondents who agree that their work unit has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals 84.80% 85.80% 80.90% 82.30% 83.64% 81.67% Met
Strategic Objective 2.2: Improve OPM's relationships and standing as the human capital management thought leader. By FY 2026, increase the percent of CHCOs who strongly agree that OPM treats them as a strategic partner by 23 percentage points.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
2.2.001 Percent of CHCOs indicating that OPM treats them as strategic partners - - - 93.94% 90.63% 94.94% Not Met
2.2.008 Percent of CHCOs who strongly agree that OPM treats them as strategic partners - - - 27.27% 37.50% 33.27% Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Strategic Objective 2.3: Improve OPM's program efficacy through comprehensive risk management and contract monitoring across the agency. By FY 2026, achieve the OMB-set target for the percentage of spending under category management.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
2.3.001 Percent of OPM's spend under management (SUM) (Cumulative) - - - 93.34% 84.58% 95.00% Not Met
2.3.002 Percent of CHCOs who strongly agree that OPM treats them as strategic partners 40.27% 47.73 30.00% 51.90% 65.14% 73.00% Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Strategic Objective 2.4: Establish a sustainable funding and staffing model for OPM that better allows the agency to meet its mission. By FY 2026, increase the percentage of OPM managers who indicate that they have sufficient resources to get their jobs done by 4 percentage points.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
2.4.001 Percent of OPM managers who indicate that they have sufficient resources to get their job done 54 - - - 54 Establish Baseline Establish Baseline
2.4.002 Percent of OPM staff who indicate that they have sufficient resources to get their job done 62 - - - 63 Establish Baseline Establish Baseline

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Strategic Objective 2.5: Modernize OPM IT by establishing an enterprise-wide approach, eliminating fragmentation, and aligning IT investments with core mission requirements. By FY 2026, increase the percentage of software projects implementing adequate incremental development to 95 percent.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
2.5.010 Percent of software projects implementing adequate incremental development 100.00% 85.71% 85.71% 100.00% 100.00% 94.00% Met
2.5.011 Score for utilization of the working capital fund to support IT modernization and security 2.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 3.10 2.81 Met
Strategic Objective 2.6: Promote a positive organizational culture where leadership drives an enterprise mindset, lives the OPM values, and supports employee engagement and professional growth. By FY 2026, increase OPM's Leaders Lead Score by 3 points.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
2.6.001 OPM Leaders Lead score 61 64 69 68 72 69 Met

Strategic Goal 3: Create a human-centered customer experience by putting the needs of OPM’s customers at the center of OPM’s workforce services, policy, and oversight, increasing OPM’s customer satisfaction index score for targeted services to 4.3 out of 5.

Strategic Objective 3.1: Enhance the Retirement Services customer experience by providing timely, accurate, and responsive service that addresses the diverse needs of OPM’s customers. By FY 2026, improve the customer satisfaction score to 4.2 out of 5.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.1.001 Average number of minutes to answer phone calls (Cumulative) - - - 31.02 45.72 5.00 Not Met
3.1.002 Average number of days to process retirement cases 55.70 68.50 78.96 88.41 77.38 60.00 Not Met
3.1.003 Average satisfaction score for services received from Retirement Services 4.10 4.12 3.92 3.74 3.45 4.05 Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Strategic Objective 3.2: Create a personalized USAJOBS® experience to help applicants find relevant opportunities. By FY 2026, improve applicant satisfaction to 4.1 out of 5 for the desktop platform and to 4.5 out of 5 for the mobile platform.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.2.001 Average overall satisfaction score with USAJOBS (desktop) - - 3.87 3.88 3.94 3.95 Not Met
3.2.002 Average ease score (desktop) - - 3.74 3.76 3.78 3.77 Met
3.2.003 Average efficiency score (desktop) - - 3.74 3.78 3.81 3.77 Met
3.2.004 Average transparency score (desktop) - - 4.16 4.18 4.31 4.18 Met
3.2.005 Average website helpfulness score (desktop) - - 3.84 3.84 3.86 3.86 Met
3.2.011 Average trust score (desktop) - - 3.75 3.74 3.79 3.77 Met
3.2.012 Average effectiveness score (desktop) - - 3.77 3.78 3.78 3.78 Met
3.2.013 Average overall satisfaction score with USAJOBS (mobile) - - 4.21 4.23 4.16 4.23 Not Met
3.2.014 Average trust score (mobile) - - 4.11 4.13 4.09 4.13 Not Met
3.2.015 Average effectiveness score (mobile) - - 4.11 4.14 4.04 4.12 Not Met
3.2.016 Average ease score (mobile) - - 4.09 4.12 4.06 4.11 Not Met
3.2.017 Average efficiency score (mobile) - - 4.08 4.09 4.01 4.06 Not Met
3.2.018 Average transparency score (mobile) - - 4.39 4.37 4.38 4.42 Not Met
3.2.019 Average website helpfulness score (mobile) - - 4.14 4.16 4.10 4.18 Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Strategic Objective 3.3: Create a seamless customer and intermediary experience across OPM’s policy, service, and oversight functions. By FY 2026, increase the average score for helpfulness of OPM human capital services in achieving human capital objectives to 4.5 out of 5.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.3.001 Average score for helpfulness of OPM human capital services in achieving human capital objectives - - 4.31 4.42 4.38 4.32 Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Strategic Objective 3.4: Transform the OPM website to a user-centric and user-friendly website. By FY 2026, achieve an average effectiveness score of 4 out of 5.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.4.001 Average effectiveness score - - - - - Establish Baseline Establish Baseline N/A
3.4.002 Average ease score - - - - - Establish Baseline Establish Baseline N/A

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Note: The survey for measures 3.4.001 and 3.4002 was not deployed until the first quarter of FY 2024, and FY 2023 results are not available.

Strategic Goal 4: Provide innovative and data-driven solutions to enable agencies to meet their missions, increasing the percentage of users throughout Government who agree that OPM offered innovative solutions while providing services or guidance by 4 points.

Strategic Objective 4.1: Foster a culture of creativity and innovation within OPM. By FY 2026, increase the percentage of employees who agree that innovation is valued by 4 points.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.1.001 OPM Innovation score - - - 67.22 71.37 70.22 Met
4.1.004 Percent of OPM leaders trained in innovation techniques (Cumulative) - - - 6.67% 21.66% 8.43% Met

Note: OPM corrected the FY 2022 result for the measure “Percent of OPM leaders trained in innovation techniques” from 6.74 percent to 6.67 percent in May 2023.

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Strategic Objective 4.2: Increase focus on Government-wide policy work by shifting more low-risk delegations of authorities to agencies.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.2.001 Percent of low-risk delegations with errors identified through OPM or agency led evaluations - - - - - Establish Baseline Establish Baseline N/A
4.2.003 Percent of CHCOs who agree that OPM provides appropriate delegations to agencies - - - 48.48% 46.88% 51.50% Not Met
4.2.004 Percent of low-risk delegations granted to agencies (Cumulative) - - 10.00% 10.00% 20.00% Establish Baseline Establish Baseline

Note: Results for measure 4.2.001 are not expected until FY 2024.

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Strategic Objective 4.3: Expand the quality and use of OPM’s Federal human capital data. By FY 2026, increase the percentage of CHCO survey respondents who agree that OPM provides agencies with high quality workforce data and information to be used in decision-making by 20 percentage points.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.3.001 Percent of CHCOs who agree that OPM provides agencies with high quality workforce data and information for decision-making - - - 54.55% 56.67% 59.55% Not Met
4.3.002 Percent of CHCOs who agree that OPM provides appropriate delegations to agencies - - - - 4,441.00 133.09 Met
4.3.003 Percent of low-risk delegations granted to agencies (Cumulative) - - - 67.67 140.25 71.05 Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Strategic Objective 4.4: Improve OPM’s ability to provide strategic human capital management leadership to agencies through expansion of innovation, pilots, and identification of leading practices across Government. By FY 2026, provide Federal agencies with 25 leading practices.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.4.001 Number of leading practices shared with Federal agencies - - - 9 7 5 Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Strategic Objective 4.5: Revamp OPM’s policy-making approach to be proactive, timely, systematic, and inclusive. By FY 2026, increase the percent of CHCOs who agree that OPM’s policy approach is responsive to agency needs by 8 percentage points.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.5.001 Percent of priority policy guidance issued by the deadline - - - 38.46% 0.00% 43.46% Not Met
4.5.002 Percent of CHCOs who agree that OPM's policy approach is responsive to agency needs - - - 54.55% 67.74% 59.55% Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Strategic Objective 4.6: Streamline Federal human capital regulations and guidance to reduce administrative burden and promote innovation while upholding merit system principles. By FY 2026, improve CHCO agreement that human capital policy changes resulted in less administrative burden to agencies by 8 percentage points.
Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.6.001 Percent of CHCOs who agree that the human capital management system changes resulted in less administrative burden to agencies - - - - 24.15% Establish Baseline Establish Baseline

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

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