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Performance Details

Strategic Goal 1

Position the Federal Government as a model employer, improving the Government-wide satisfaction index score by 4 points.

Strategic Objective 1.1

Achieve a Federal workforce that is drawn from the diversity of America, exhibited at all levels of Government, by supporting agencies in fostering diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible workplaces. By FY 2026, increase a Government-wide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility index score by 6 percentage points.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM, in consultation with OMB, determined that performance toward this objective is making noteworthy progress.

OPM launched the inaugural Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Summit: A Whole-of-Government Approach to Disability Employment to provide strategies to agencies to improve access and equity for employees with disabilities. The fully virtual three-day event featured remarks and presentations from more than 70 leaders and experts from the Federal Government, academia, and nonprofit and private-sector organizations. Nearly 1,700 Federal employees and others from the public and private sectors attended the summit.

OPM also hosted a virtual national engagement, attended by 1,090 participants, to share updates, tips, and promising practices with Federal and non-Federal (public, private, education, nonprofit) senior executives and DEIA thought-leaders from across the nation. In addition, OPM hosted its second annual Employee Resource Group Summit, which was attended by more than 650 participants from 120 agencies, to celebrate group leaders and members who make their agencies diverse and inclusive spaces to thrive. OPM convened the Chief Diversity Officers Executive Council and established member-led working groups with plans to build a community that promotes and sustains DEIA work across Government.

OPM also developed a pilot program, Level-Up to Public Service, to conduct outreach to underserved communities by increasing awareness of and interest in public service careers among early career talent. The nearly 240 participants received instruction on creating a USAJOBS profile and applying for Federal Government internships using the new Internship Portal. OPM also convened a Recruitment Community of Practice to coordinate Government-wide efforts to facilitate recruitment of historically underrepresented groups. OPM created a social media campaign linked to a branded search page on USAJOBS with messaging to attract early career talent, individuals with disabilities and the formerly incarcerated to public service careers.

In addition, OPM published an inaugural Government-wide annual report Government-wide DEIA: Our Progress and Path forward to Building a Better Workforce for the American People. OPM also released updates to its Guidance Regarding Gender Identity and Inclusion in the Federal Workplace, originally released in 2015, as well as Guidance on Promoting Internships and other Student and Early Career Programs in the Federal Government. Further, OPM issued a fact sheet to agencies on collecting and reporting DEIA-related data.

OPM also assessed bias in the personnel vetting process and identified ways to eliminate barriers to transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary employees and applicants; rolled out a DEIA dashboard to CFO Act agencies to enable the identification of trends across the employee lifecycle; published proposed regulations that would prohibit the use of salary history in setting pay for Federal employment offers; conducted DEIA research projects, including a formative evaluation of agency retirement readiness programs and qualitative user research on the design of the OPM plan comparison tool; and launched a study on the affordability of the FEHB Program.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
1.1.001 Government-wide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility index score - - - 69 71 72 Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the 2023 OPM Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) from May 8 through July 14, 2023. With 625,568 Government-wide respondents, the response rate was 39 percent. While the Government-wide DEIA Index score increased from 69 in FY 2022 to 71 in FY 2023, OPM did not meet its FY 2023 target of 72. From FY 2022 to FY 2023, the Government-wide scores for each component of the index score also increased: the Diversity Index score increased one percentage point from 70 percent to 71 percent, the Equity Index score increased two percentage points from 65 percent to 67 percent, the Inclusion Index score increased one percentage point from 75 percent to 76 percent, and the Accessibility Index score increased two percentage points from 67 percent to 69 percent. In FY 2024, OPM will take additional actions to improve this result and meet the FY 2024 target of 73, including implementing interventions recommended by a FY 2023 assessment of the personnel vetting process to eliminate barriers to transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary employees and applicants; expanding data in the DEIA dashboard shared with agencies; expanding outreach to promote public service careers, particularly with underserved communities; piloting a campaign focused on recruitment and retention of early career talent and underrepresented communities; increasing access to public resources, common templates, and other relevant DEIA documents generated from the Chief Diversity Officers Council; publishing final regulations that would prohibit the use of salary history in setting pay for Federal employment offers; and providing guidance to agencies on climate and culture assessment, barrier analysis, and intersectionality.

Strategic Objective 1.2

Develop a Government-wide vision and strategy and implement policies and initiatives that embrace the future of work and position the Federal Government as a model employer with respect to hiring, talent development, competitive pay, benefits, and workplace flexibilities.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM issued a high-level roadmap for OPM’s Future of the Workforce vision to serve as a foundation for this effort. Within the roadmap, OPM outlined five priority areas for the agency: policy and resources, research and evaluation, training and technical assistance, data analytics, and stakeholder engagement.

OPM also issued several policies and resources to support agencies in their Future of the Workforce efforts, including paid internship guidance, artificial intelligence and digital career field studies, a workforce planning guide, a foresight guidebook, telework frequently asked questions, and remote hiring frequently asked questions. Additionally, OPM supported the development and release of the President’s Management Agenda Priority Memo, which highlights four key priority measures for agencies. OPM also collaborated with OMB on OMB Memo M-23-15 Measuring What Matters: Organizational Health and Performance and provided support on related data analytics.

To advance research and evaluation priorities, OPM conducted multiple research studies, including: a research study on the effect of the USAJOBS remote designation on applicant interest, an analysis of trends in data related to tech talent, and a review of measurement of Future of the Workforce concepts. OPM also presented OPM FEVS results on telework, remote work, and hybrid work at the Society for Human Resource Management National Conference.

In addition, OPM leaders participated as keynote speakers or panel members in conferences and webinars, including the Society of Human Resources Management, the Unleash Conference, the Global Government Forum in London, and the American Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council. OPM held two in-person private-sector roundtables in Las Vegas, Nevada, and in Washington, D.C., to meet with private-sector human resource and other industry leaders to inform OPM’s Future of the Workforce efforts.

OPM also successfully conducted free in-person and virtual Government-wide training for all Federal employees on succeeding in a hybrid work environment. In the “Thriving in a Hybrid Environment” training, Federal employees learned how to develop and implement hybrid work environment best practices within their agencies. Through FY 2023, OPM conducted 18 training sessions attended by more than 23,000 employees. Through these trainings, OPM brought together leaders and evidence generators from across the Federal Government, as well as external experts, who shared the latest research, discussed leading practices, and identified actionable ways to collaborate. Additionally, OPM conducted a customized training specifically for more than 200 members of the Senior Executive Service from across Government.

To improve Federal agencies’ ability to understand the status of the Federal workforce with respect to telework and remote work, OPM issued guidance and implementation procedures for new data variables in the Enterprise Human Resources Integration system.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
1.2.001 Percent of CHCOs who report they have the necessary guidance and resources from OPM to inform their future of work planning - - - 81.82% 61.29% 84.82% Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, 19 of 31 Chief Human Capital Officers and Deputy Chief Human Capital Officers who responded to the survey indicated that they have the necessary guidance and resources from OPM to inform their future of workforce planning. OPM conducted the survey in October 2022. With 31 respondents, the response rate was 70 percent. Results decreased by 20.53 percentage points from FY 2022 to FY 2023, and OPM did not meet its FY 2023 target of 84.82 percent. In FY 2024, OPM will continue to work with CHCOs to better deliver what they need and will refine and explore legislative and regulatory recommendations, issue policy and guidance, and develop additional technical assistance and fee-for-service solutions to support agencies in preparing for the future of the workforce.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
1.2.002 Percent of CHCOs who report they find the services from OPM to inform their future of work planning helpful - - - 69.70% 63.33% 72.70% Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, 19 of 30 Chief Human Capital Officers and Deputy Chief Human Capital Officers who responded to the survey indicated that they find the services from OPM to inform their future of the workforce planning helpful. OPM conducted the survey in October 2022. With 30 respondents, the response rate was 63 percent. Results decreased 6.37 percentage points from FY 2022 to FY 2023, and OPM did not meet its FY 2023 target of 72.70 percent. In FY 2024, OPM will refine and explore legislative and regulatory recommendations, issue policy and guidance, and develop additional technical assistance and fee-for-service solutions to support agencies in preparing for the future of the workforce.

Strategic Objective 1.3

Build the skills of the Federal workforce through hiring and training. By FY 2026, increase the Government-wide percentage of respondents who agree that their work unit has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals by 4 points.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM released a memo to the Chief Human Capital Officers Council that provided agencies information and tools to strengthen supervisory engagement and supplemental training courses to assist HR practitioners in preparing for the Delegated Examining Certification Assessment. OPM geared the training courses toward improving the 40 percent failure rate for the Delegated Examining certification assessment.

OPM worked to streamline the hiring experience by promoting pooled and shared hiring actions. OPM also provided training to more than 1,000 HR managers and professionals Government-wide on how to use the Agency Talent Portal and facilitate their agency’s ability to share qualified applicants’ information for potential hiring across Government. OPM posted a pooled hiring action for an early career HR specialist and referred 56 applicants with eligible preference to agencies. In tandem with this hiring action, OPM provided these new hires with the opportunity to participate in OPM’s 90-day HR Training Bootcamp, which provides foundational knowledge of Federal staffing.

To solidify the use and accuracy of talent pools, OPM carried out two two-day sessions of Subject Matter Expert Qualification Assessments (SME-QA) Train the Trainer training, which were attended by 40 participants from 18 agencies. The training focused on writing specialized experience statements, which are used during the structured resume review and structured interviews to verify whether candidates demonstrate the required specialized experience (that is, experience that has equipped the applicant with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to successfully perform the duties of the position).

OPM launched the USA Staffing Resume Review tool to streamline the structured interview assessment process by using automation for resume review. In FY 2023, seven agencies used the structured resume functionality as part of 70 hiring actions (including two cross-Government actions) to review 9,442 resumes.

In support of Executive Order 13932 Modernizing and Reforming the Assessment and Hiring of Federal Job Candidates, OPM held a webinar with more than 400 Federal HR professionals previewing procedural adjustments required to comply with the executive order, recommendations on best practices, and answers to common questions.

In collaboration with OMB and the Department of Labor, OPM launched the Federal Internship Portal, a centralized search and application hub that houses hundreds of available internships for prospective Federal interns.

OPM also provided two briefings with agencies on a proposed Rule of Many, reaching 240 participants. With the completion of the proposed Rule of Many regulation in FY 2024, agencies will have more flexibility when hiring. They will be able to use numerical scores to make more granular distinctions among applicants, and hiring managers will be able to select from more than just the three highest-scoring applicants.

OPM also proposed modifications to Pathways Program regulations to better meet the Federal Government’s needs for recruiting and hiring interns and recent graduates. Among these changes, OPM proposed updates to facilitate a better applicant experience, improve development opportunities for program participants, and streamline agencies’ ability to hire program participants, especially those who successfully completed their Pathways requirements and are eligible for conversion to term or permanent positions.

OPM also completed and issued competency models that will assist agencies in addressing and closing skills gaps for human resources management, artificial intelligence, and Government-wide general competencies.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
1.3.001 Percent of respondents who agree their work units have the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals 81 82 80 79 80 81 Not Met

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the 2023 OPM FEVS from May 8 through July 14. 625,568 Federal employees responded Government-wide for a response rate of 39 percent. While the Government-wide percentage of respondents who agree that their work units have the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals increased one percentage point from FY 2022 to FY 2023, OPM did not meet its FY 2023 target of 81. In FY 2024, OPM plans to evaluate the end-to-end hiring model, carry out studies on current hiring practices and potential solutions to hiring challenges, and publish the final Rule of Many regulation and Pathways Program regulations. OPM will also provide a training on the use of Government-wide Direct Hire Authority and promote the use of assessments and structured interviews to assist hiring managers in adequately assessing applicant skills.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
1.3.002 Average score for hiring manager satisfaction that applicants to human resources, acquisitions, and cybersecurity positions are referred in a timely manner with the necessary skills to perform the job - - - 4.17 4.04 4.18 Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the Hiring Manager Satisfaction Survey from October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023, and received 1,951 responses regarding applicants referred for human resources, acquisitions, and cybersecurity positions. Results decreased .13 points from FY 2022 to FY 2023, and OPM did not meet its FY 2023 target of 4.18 out of 5. The average score for hiring manager satisfaction was 4.27 out of 5 points for human resources positions, 3.81 out of 5 points for acquisitions positions, and 3.97 out of 5 points for cybersecurity positions. In FY 2024, OPM plans to evaluate the end-to-end hiring model, carry out studies on current hiring practices and potential solutions to hiring challenges, and publish the final Rule of Many regulation and Pathways Program regulations. OPM will also provide a training on the use of Government-wide Direct Hire Authority and promote the use of assessments and structured interviews to assist hiring managers in adequately assessing applicant skills.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
1.3.003 Percent of vacancies using alternative assessments to replace or augment the self-report occupational questionnaire - 9.05% 10.54% 8.12% 11.43% 7.00% Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Note: In FY 2023, OPM revised previously reported results to consistently exclude direct hire announcements, though some direct hire announcements may still be found in the dataset due to challenges identifying and excluding such announcements.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, agencies used alternative assessments to replace or augment the self-report occupational questionnaire for 24,861 of 217,534 vacancies. Results increased 3.31 percentage points from FY 2022 to FY 2023, and OPM met its FY 2023 target of 7 percent.

Strategic Objective 1.4

Champion the Federal workforce by engaging and recognizing Federal employees and elevating their work. By FY 2026, increase the number of social media engagements on recognition-focused content by 15 percent.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM, in consultation with OMB, highlighted this objective as a focus area for improvement.

OPM established an interagency working group concentrated specifically on recognizing and elevating the Federal workforce. The working group includes CHCOs, Deputy CHCOs, and other senior employee engagement leads from across Government. This working group also launched an Employee Engagement Community of Practice for any interested HR practitioners throughout the Federal Government and identified three priorities for action planning: engaging leadership, improving recognition and retention strategies, and acting on the OPM FEVS results.

OPM completed several actions to increase attention to programs that regularly spotlight workers at OPM and across the Federal Government throughout the year. OPM completed an early career talent employee spotlight video series featuring four Federal employees and a Tech2Gov employee spotlight video series featuring six employees from different Federal agencies. For Public Service Recognition Week, OPM hosted three free Government-wide webinars with nearly 4,000 participants on employee engagement and professional development, human-centered design, and resources for those aspiring to join the Senior Executive Service.

OPM also took steps to improve the effectiveness of social media activities, including consolidating social media accounts, streamlining the agency’s internal social media processes, analyzing trends for popular content, and improving the coordination of social media planning for agency policy rollouts and speaking engagements. OPM also advanced efforts to create new worker empowerment content on

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
1.4.002 Number of social media engagements on recognition-focused content - - - 195,389 156,066 205,149 Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn users engaged with OPM’s recognition-focused social media content 159,793 times. Results decreased 18.2 percent, and OPM did not meet its FY 2023 target of 205,149 engagements. Social media users engaged with this content 40,343 times on X and 115,723 times on LinkedIn. In FY 2024, OPM will primarily focus on improving engagement on LinkedIn where target audiences for certain recognition-focused campaign content are more likely to engage.

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Strategic Goal 2

Transform OPM’s organizational capacity and capability to better serve as the leader in Federal human capital management.

Strategic Objective 2.1

Build the skills of the OPM workforce and attract skilled talent. By FY 2026, increase the percentage of OPM employees who agree that their work unit has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals by 3 percentage points.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM established a Strategic Hiring Committee to assess requests for filling vacancies from internal organizations. The committee uses human capital and budget data, strategic objective alignment, and information from a workforce study to align skills gaps to vacant positions and inform hiring priorities. The agency formalized its internal reorganization policy and implemented new processes throughout the agency. Reorganizations include both restructuring and the establishment of new organizations to improve strategic positioning of agency functions, with the agency Talent Team (Workforce Strategies and Solutions) partnering with agency leaders.

OPM created human capital dashboards to visualize hiring data and improve transparency. These include an OPM-wide dashboard and organization-specific dashboards with granular position data available to all relevant employees. The dashboards integrate budget data, position counts, and recruitment activities in a user-friendly format for data-driven decision-making.

OPM established relationships with nearly 200 educational institutions, including minority-serving institutions. Additionally, OPM increased its collaboration and partnership with several minority-serving groups or those serving underrepresented communities, such as the Interagency Veterans Advisory Council, Military Spouse Employment Partnership, and the Veteran Employment Program Office. These partnerships enabled OPM to share its job vacancies with a wider audience to drive traffic to OPM job postings and diversify the agency’s hiring pool. OPM conducted outreach to more than 1,200 schools through career service job boards and reached 56 Historically Black Colleges and Universities to advertise OPM internship opportunities. Where possible, OPM leverages non-competitive hiring authorities by engaging with the Workforce Recruitment Program, a referral program that connects Federal and private-sector employers nationwide with highly motivated college students and recent graduates with disabilities. OPM increased its use of these special hiring authorities by 92 percent in FY 2023.

The agency also strengthened its population of student internships through the Pathways Program, using a new internship cohort program and emphasizing the importance of early career talent. OPM’s new internship cohorts leverage enterprise-wide partnerships to promote both summer and year-long positions designated for students. These practices will help to establish a pipeline of early career and diverse talent for OPM positions in vital areas.

OPM leveraged modern technology solutions to promote vacant positions through social media, and other forums. A newly established employee experience working group aims to improve touchpoints along the employee lifecycle, from onboarding to separation.

OPM onboarded a new Chief Learning Officer to oversee efforts to develop and implement a plan to address skill gaps. The agency also began planning and coordinating developmental opportunities for employees in cyber roles participating in the Cyber Workforce Rotational Program. Additionally, OPM invested in technological enhancements such as a web-based individual development plan tool for employees and supervisors within the learning management system.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
2.1.001 Percent of respondents who agree that their work unit has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals 84.80% 85.80% 80.90% 82.30% 83.64% 81.67% Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the 2023 OPM FEVS from May 8 through July 14, 2023. Approximately 1,595 OPM employees participated, for a response rate of 61.7 percent. The percentage of respondents who agree their work unit has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals increased by 1.3 percentage points from FY 2022 to FY 2023, exceeding the FY 2023 target. In FY 2023, OPM onboarded a new Chief Learning Officer to head a Learning Team and strengthen the internal training function to close knowledge gaps.

Strategic Objective 2.2

Improve OPM’s relationships and standing as the human capital management thought leader. By FY 2026, increase the percent of CHCOs who strongly agree that OPM treats them as a strategic partner by 8 percentage points.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM developed 12 legislative proposals for submission to the Congress in support of the Chief Human Capital Officers’ Council, delegations to agencies, pay and benefits updates, and the recruitment and retention of critical talent. OPM also engaged with stakeholders in new ways, participating in round tables with private-sector leaders and improving OPM’s ability to share and receive data, conduct research, and exchange ideas with academia and the private sector.

OPM collaborated with OMB and the General Services Administration to co-host a President’s Management Agenda Learning Agenda Workforce Symposium with more than 800 attendees. The Workforce Symposium provided Federal practitioners with examples of evidence-informed approaches related to Federal workforce topics. Staff from the Federal evaluation community, Federal practitioners, and external researchers and academics shared their experiences and research. The event included sessions on recruiting the next generation of Federal employees, maximizing an effective hybrid work environment, improving organizational health and performance, and promoting Federal employee mental health and wellbeing.

OPM also identified priority topics for evaluation, policy guidance, and research in the upcoming fiscal years. Identification of these topics is a key first step to setting baselines, identifying resources, and tracking reports to completion in FY 2024.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
2.2.001 Percent of CHCOs indicating that OPM treats them as strategic partners - - - 93.94% 90.63% 94.94% Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, 29 of 32 Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCOs) and Deputy Chief Human Capital Officers who responded to the CHCO Council Annual Survey indicated that OPM treats them as strategic partners. These results represent a decrease of more than three percentage points compared to FY 2022, and OPM did not meet its target of 94.94 percent. OPM conducted the survey in October 2022. With 32 respondents, the survey response rate was 73 percent. OPM has planned additional actions to improve this result in FY 2024.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
2.2.008 Percent of CHCOs who strongly agree that OPM treats them as strategic partners - - - 27.27% 37.50% 33.27% Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, 12 of 32 Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCOs) and Deputy Chief Human Capital Officers who responded to the CHCO Council Annual Survey strongly agreed that OPM treats them as strategic partners. These results represent an increase of more than ten percentage points compared to FY 2022, and OPM exceeded its target of 33.27 percent. OPM conducted the survey in October 2022. With 32 respondents, the survey response rate was 73 percent.

Strategic Objective 2.3

Improve OPM’s program efficacy through comprehensive risk management and contract monitoring across the agency. By FY 2026, achieve the OMB-set target for the percentage of spending under category management.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM executed the final version of an Enterprise Acquisition Planning Policy and posted an improved Acquisition Forecast. The agency also successfully migrated its Procurement Center, improving the system’s operational capacity and enabling the launch of dashboards, that allows offices to review acquisition project statuses in real time. Additionally, OPM launched a Section 508 Pilot to refine requirement definitions and evaluation approaches to support the delivery of accessible goods and services. The acquisition workforce also engaged in a comprehensive clean-up and training effort to resolve outstanding issues with Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System reports. As a result, OPM’s compliance rates significantly improved.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
2.3.001 Percent of OPM's spend under management (SUM) (Cumulative) - - - 94.34% 84.58% 95.00% Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, OPM actively managed $472,509,840 of $558,638,118 according to category management principles. OPM’s spend under management decreased by nearly 10 percentage points from FY 2022 to FY 2023, and OPM did not meet the FY 2023 target of 95 percent. To improve this result in FY 2024, OPM plans to execute training and guidance for Contracting Officer’s Representatives and reassess its Enterprise Acquisition Policy.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
2.3.002 Percent of contract actions in compliance with Government-wide past performance reporting requirements (Cumulative) 40.27% 47.73% 30.00% 51.90% 65.14% 73.00% Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, 284 of 436 of OPM’s contracting actions complied with Government-wide past performance reporting requirements. The result of 65 percent represents an increase of more than 13 percentage points from FY 2022, though OPM did not meet its target of 73 percent. OPM conducted comprehensive clean-up and training to resolve outstanding issues with the Contracting Performance Assessment Reporting System reports and will continue these efforts in FY 2024 to improve the result.

Strategic Objective 2.4

Establish a sustainable funding and staffing model for OPM that better allows the agency to meet its mission. By FY 2026, increase the percentage of OPM managers who indicate that they have sufficient resources to get their jobs done by 4 percentage points.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM trained the agency’s Resource Management Officers on the OPM budget and organizational performance management processes and posted the training materials on an OCFO portal for future reference. The agency also developed five additional micro-training videos on topics related to organizational performance management, evaluation, and evidence-building. The training sessions and resources were intended to help OPM improve decision-making related to the allocation and utilization of resources and support prioritization of initiatives based on performance plans and results.

OPM leveraged the creation of the IT Working Capital Fund to support technology-related initiatives through investments for current and future year projects it identified. The agency also submitted a proposal to OMB to establish an OPM Working Capital Fund in FY 2025. Additionally, OPM began reviewing common services across the agency to assess financing alignment with the delivery of those services. The agency developed a framework for capturing the use of enterprise services (such as human resources, information technology, financial management, acquisitions, facilities, and security) by OPM program offices.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
2.4.001 Percent of OPM managers who indicate that they have sufficient resources to get their job done 54 - - - 54 Establish Baseline Establish Baseline

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the 2023 OPM FEVS from May 8 through July 14, 2023. Approximately 1,562 OPM employees participated for a response rate of 60.4 percent. The percentage of OPM managers who indicated that they have sufficient resources to get their job done was 54 percent.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
2.4.002 Percent of OPM staff who indicate that they have sufficient resources to get their job done 62 - - - 63 Establish Baseline Establish Baseline

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the 2023 OPM FEVS from May 8 through July 14, 2023. Approximately 1,562 OPM employees participated for a response rate of 60.4 percent. The percentage of OPM staff who indicated that they have sufficient resources to get their job done was 63 percent.

Strategic Objective 2.5

Modernize OPM IT by establishing an enterprise-wide approach, eliminating fragmentation, and aligning IT investments with core mission requirements. By FY 2026, increase the percentage of software projects implementing adequate incremental development to 95 percent.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM conducted market research, met with industry stakeholders, and awarded a contract to develop a Postal Health Benefits IT System. Additionally, OPM developed and deployed the minimum viable product, including carrier account creation, carrier account authentication, and carrier application. The agency also deployed its first chatbot to support Retirement Services survivor benefits, with plans to expand the chatbot to include additional questions and to cover other program areas.

OPM leveraged cloud technology and services to deliver incremental and modern capabilities and solutions to programs and customers. OCIO developed cloud migration strategies for current on-premises systems and applications, deployed 30 applications in OPM’s cloud environment, and migrated on-premises and mainframe-based databases.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
2.5.010 Percent of software projects implementing adequate incremental development 100.00% 85.71% 85.71% 100.00% 100.00% 94.00% Met

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, 38 of 38 OPM software projects implemented adequate incremental development. With a result of 100 percent, OPM met its target of 94 percent.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
2.5.011 Score for utilization of the working capital fund to support IT modernization and security 2.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 3.10 2.81 Met

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, the score for utilization of the working capital fund decreased from 4.00 to 3.10, and OPM exceeded its target. OPM transferred funds to the newly established IT Working Capital Fund and is accepting and evaluating project proposals to utilize the fund.

Strategic Objective 2.6

Promote a positive organizational culture where leadership drives an enterprise mindset, lives the OPM values, and supports employee engagement and professional growth. By FY 2026, increase OPM’s Leaders Lead Score by 3 points.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM developed an agency-wide Engagement Plan for FYs 2023-2025, focusing on several challenge areas identified based on OPM FEVS results. These areas include career development, performance recognition, decision-making involvement and communication, and workload management. OPM shared the Engagement Plan with its workforce through Town Halls and other communications. Program and support offices created office-specific engagement plans, cascading from the agency-wide plan.

The agency established a Principal Deputies Council, which includes senior leadership from across OPM, to coordinate enterprise-wide initiatives and leverage organizational resources to drive progress. For the Director’s Awards program, OPM added a requirement to the nomination process for a narrative describing how the recipient contributed to agency-wide activities and an enterprise mindset.

OPM began implementation of its agency-wide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Strategic Plan. To promote a safe workplace, OPM updated the agency’s anti-harassment policy to align with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission leading practices and will offer training on the new policy beginning in FY 2024 to all employees. OPM reviewed and updated the agency’s Reasonable Accommodation policy, offered training on updated procedures to supervisors, and established weekly office hours with accessibility subject matter experts. The agency also hired a dedicated strategic recruiter and improved the careers page on OPM’s website to better reflect the agency’s commitment to DEIA. To strengthen its ability to attract applicants, OPM transitioned its internships to paid positions, eliminating the use of unpaid internships across the agency. OPM launched a tiger team to design a six-month mentoring cohort pilot for FY 2024 and conducted listening sessions and membership drives for employee resource groups to promote equitable opportunities and foster a culture of inclusion. The agency also hired an awards program manager and established a performance recognition fund.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
2.6.001 OPM Leaders Lead score 61 64 69 68 72 69 Met

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the 2023 OPM FEVS from May 8 through July 14, 2023. Approximately 1,595 OPM employees participated, for a response rate of 61.7 percent. The OPM Leaders Lead score increased by four points between FY 2022 and FY 2023, and OPM exceeded its target. OPM scored highest (77.7 percent) on the Leaders Lead item “Overall, how good a job do you feel is being done by the manager directly above your immediate supervisor,” and lowest (61.9 percent) on “In my organization, senior leaders generate high levels of motivation and commitment in the workforce.” In FY 2023, OPM developed an agency-wide engagement plan based on focus areas identified from the 2022 OPM FEVS results.

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Strategic Goal 3

Create a human-centered customer experience by putting the needs of OPM’s customers at the center of OPM’s workforce services, policy, and oversight, increasing OPM’s customer satisfaction index score for targeted services to 4.3 out of 5.

Strategic Objective 3.1

Enhance the Retirement Services customer experience by providing timely, accurate, and responsive service that addresses the diverse needs of OPM’s customers. By FY 2026, improve the customer satisfaction score to 4.2 out of 5.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM, in consultation with OMB, highlighted this objective as a focus area for improvement.

OPM used human-centered design to develop a three-page guide to help customers prepare for their retirement journey. The guide includes an overview of the Federal voluntary retirement process, a checklist to track progress, a summary of items that might delay processing, definitions of key terms, and a general timeline to help customers understand when they can expect to receive their annuity payment.

OPM also strengthened retirement-related resources on the website. OPM reorganized and created a more intuitive Retirement Services landing page, streamlined frequently asked questions, and provided simplified information on the different types of retirement and survivor benefits. OPM also piloted a chatbot, which provides a new way to access retirement information.

To address retirement case processing delays caused by incomplete or inaccurate retirement applications, OPM developed three informational resource sheets for human resources offices, payroll offices, and Federal employees to help them provide more complete and accurate retirement application packages to OPM. The resources provide tips and recommendations on how to avoid the most frequent errors in retirement application packages.

OPM continued to build upon its library of on-demand training videos for Retirement Services staff. The standardized curriculum covers five core areas: foundations, basic claims, disability claims, post-adjudication claims, and survivor claims. OPM completed the foundations videos in FY 2023.

OPM also piloted an online retirement application pilot, which allows prospective retirees from selected agencies to apply for their retirement payments electronically rather than on paper.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.1.001 Average number of minutes to answer phone calls (Cumulative) - - - 31.02 45.72 5.00 Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, OPM handled 1,148,256 calls, 335,425 fewer calls than in FY 2022. The average number of minutes to answer phone calls increased by nearly 15 minutes from FY 2022. Monthly average call wait times remained consistent and ranged from 41.47 to 46.73 minutes, exceeding the target of five minutes. In FY 2024, OPM plans to onboard additional agents to help reduce call wait times. OPM will continue to modernize the Retirement Services website, improve the chatbot, and enhance contact center applications. OPM expects that these actions, in combination with increased staff, will improve call wait times.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.1.002 Average number of days to process retirement cases 55.70 68.50 78.96 88.41 77.38 60.00 Not Met

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, OPM processed 99,747 retirement cases. The average number of days to process cases decreased by more than 11 days from FY 2022. Monthly average case processing times ranged from 70.60 to 93.17 days, exceeding the target of 60 days. In FY 2024, OPM will continue to onboard additional staff, modernize the Retirement Services website on, leverage interagency staff support during surges, deploy tiger teams, and escalate requests for missing information to agency benefits officers, CHCOs, and Deputy Secretaries.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.1.003 Average satisfaction score for services received from Retirement Services 4.10 4.12 3.92 3.74 3.45 4.05 Not Met

Note: FY 2019 results are only available for Q3 and Q4. FY 2020 results are only available for Q1, Q3, and Q4.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the Retirement Services Quarterly Customer Satisfaction Survey between December 1 and 7, 2022, March 1 and 7, 2023, June 1 and 7, 2023, and September 1 and 7, 2023. With 11,237 respondents in FY 2023, the response rate was 11 percent. Results decreased by 0.29 points from FY 2022 to FY 2023, and OPM did not meet its target of 4.05 out of 5. In FY 2024, OPM plans to onboard additional call center agents and processing staff, improve navigation and content on Services Online, leverage interagency support during surges, deploy tiger teams, and escalate requests for missing information to agency benefits officers, CHCOs, and Deputy Secretaries.

Strategic Objective 3.2

Create a personalized USAJOBS experience to help applicants find relevant opportunities. By FY 2026, improve applicant satisfaction to 4.1 out of 5 for the desktop platform and to 4.5 out of 5 for the mobile platform.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM successfully launched a remote work feature on USAJOBS, which allows job seekers to search for and more easily find remote job opportunities. OPM conducted analyses on the effect of remote jobs and found that, while remote jobs made up approximately four percent of jobs posted on USAJOBS in FY 2023, such positions received approximately 30 percent of all applications from job seekers. Remote jobs received, on average, about 11 times more applications than non-remote jobs.

OPM also developed USAJOBS branded search pages tailored to specific positions across Government. In addition to providing job seekers a place to find positions that may align with their career interests, agencies can use these pages in recruitment materials to educate seekers and drive applicants to their job opportunity announcements. These search pages include to attract tech professionals to Federal careers, to highlight Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) positions at multiple agencies across a variety of job series, to highlight positions related to national security, and to highlight artificial intelligence positions at multiple agencies across a variety of job series.

OPM launched a Federal Internship Portal as a one-stop location for internship postings on USAJOBS. OPM also partnered with the intelligence community to develop and host an Intelligence Careers site as a one-stop location for seekers to learn about intelligence agencies and open positions in intelligence fields.

To improve Federal agencies’ ability to use data to draw from the diversity of America, OPM used human-centered design and user testing to update the design and content of the demographic details page on USAJOBS. After implementation in FY 2022, the average percent of applicants who agreed to link their demographic details to their application increased from 75 percent in the second quarter of FY 2022 to 90 percent as of the third quarter of FY 2023.

Based on user feedback and a review of help desk tickets, OPM implemented features to streamline the USAJOBS user interface for pre-application, including a countdown showing the time remaining to apply to a posting. OPM expects these changes to enable Federal job seekers to better understand how to interpret Federal job postings, more easily follow and accurately complete the application process, and apply for jobs with fewer technological and user interface barriers.

OPM published four USAJOBS informational videos to educate seekers about the Federal application process. The videos are available to the public on the OPM YouTube channel: USAJOBS: Gateway to the Federal Government, What it means to be Eligible and Qualified, Creating a USAJOBS Profile, and Federal Application and Hiring Process.

To help increase the use of pooled hiring across Government, OPM implemented a Talent Pools feature within the USAJOBS Agency Talent Portal that allows agencies to share certificates of eligible applicants. In FY 2023, OPM and agencies created ten Talent Pools. Talent Pools reduce applicant burden because the seeker can apply one time and receive consideration by numerous agencies. To increase awareness with agency HR specialists, OPM circulated three one-page documents advertising Talent Pools and held ten trainings with 2,278 HR attendees.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.2.001 Average overall satisfaction score for USAJOBS (desktop) - - 3.87 3.88 3.93 3.95 Not Met

Note: FY 2023 results are only available for Q1, Q3, and Q4.

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the desktop survey from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and from April 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023. With 11,886 responses, the response rate was 0.05 percent. OPM increased results by 0.05 points from FY 2022 to FY 2023 but did not meet its FY 2023 target of 3.95 out of 5. In FY 2024, OPM will launch a redesigned homepage and improve the search experience. Additionally, OPM will continue conducting user testing and analyzing feedback from customers to inform improvements that enhance the applicant experience and improve overall satisfaction with the USAJOBS desktop experience.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.2.002 Average ease score (desktop) - - 3.74 3.76 3.78 3.77 Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the desktop survey between October 1, 2022, and September 30, 2023. With 11,963 responses, the response rate was 0.05 percent. OPM increased results by 0.02 points from FY 2022 to FY 2023, exceeding its FY 2023 target of 3.77 out of 5 by 0.01 points.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.2.003 Average efficiency score (desktop) - - 3.74 3.78 3.81 3.77 Met

Note: FY 2023 results are only available for Q1, Q3, and Q4.

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the desktop survey from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and from April 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023. With 11,941 responses, the response rate was 0.05 percent. OPM increased results by 0.03 points from FY 2022 to FY 2023, exceeding its FY 2023 target of 3.77 out of 5 by 0.04 points.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.2.004 Average transparency score (desktop) - - 4.16 4.18 4.31 4.18 Met

Note: FY 2023 results are only available for Q1, Q3, and Q4.

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the desktop survey from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and from April 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023. With 11,870 responses, the response rate was 0.05 percent. OPM increased results by 0.13 points from FY 2022 to FY 2023, exceeding its FY 2023 target of 4.18 out of 5 by 0.13 points. In FY 2023, the average transparency score of 4.31 out of 5 was the highest score OPM achieved among the USAJOBS desktop survey measures.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.2.005 Average website helpfulness score (desktop) - - 3.84 3.84 3.86 3.86 Met

Note: FY 2023 results are only available for Q1, Q3, and Q4.

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the desktop survey from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and from April 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023. With 11,901 the response rate was by 0.05 percent. OPM increased results by 0.02 points from FY 2022 to FY 2023 to meet its FY 2023 target of 3.86 out of 5.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.2.011 Average trust score (desktop) - - 3.75 3.74 3.79 3.77 Met

Note: FY 2023 results are only available for Q1, Q3, and Q4.

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the desktop survey from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and from April 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023. With 11,891 responses, the response rate was 0.05 percent. OPM increased results by 0.05 points from FY 2022 to FY 2023, exceeding its FY 2023 target of 3.77 out of 5 by 0.02 points.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.2.012 Average effectiveness score (desktop) - - 3.77 3.78 3.78 3.78 Met

Note: FY 2023 results are only available for Q1, Q3, and Q4.

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the desktop survey from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and from April 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023. With 11,951 responses, the response rate was 0.05 percent. While results did not change from FY 2022 and FY 2023, OPM met its FY 2023 target of 3.78.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.2.013 Average overall satisfaction score with USAJOBS (mobile) - - 4.21 4.23 4.16 4.23 Not Met

Note: FY 2023 results are only available for Q1, Q3, and Q4.

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the mobile survey from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and from April 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023. With 21,989 responses, the response rate was 0.25 percent. Results decreased by 0.07 points from FY 2022 to FY 2023 to 4.16, and OPM did not meet its FY 2023 target of 4.23 out of 5. In FY 2024, OPM will launch a redesigned homepage and improve the search experience. OPM will also conduct a review of the mobile experience to determine if any website enhancements implemented in FY 2023 are not performing as intended. Additionally, OPM will continue conducting user testing and analyzing feedback from customers to inform improvements that enhance the applicant experience and improve overall satisfaction with the USAJOBS mobile experience.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.2.014 Average trust score (mobile) - - 4.11 4.13 4.09 4.13 Not Met

Note: FY 2023 results are only available for Q1, Q3, and Q4.

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the mobile survey from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and from April 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023. With 21,909 responses, the response rate was 0.25 percent. Results decreased by 0.04 points from FY 2022 to FY 2023 to 4.09, and OPM did not meet its FY 2023 target of 4.13 out of 5. In FY 2024, OPM will launch a redesigned homepage and improve the search experience. OPM will also conduct a review of the mobile experience to determine if any website enhancements implemented in FY 2023 are not performing as intended. Additionally, OPM will continue conducting user testing and analyzing feedback from customers to inform improvements that enhance the applicant experience and improve trust in the USAJOBS mobile experience.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.2.015 Average effectiveness score (mobile) - - 4.11 4.14 4.04 4.12 Not Met

Note: FY 2023 results are only available for Q1, Q3, and Q4.

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the mobile survey from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and from April 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023. With 21,971 responses, the response rate was 0.25 percent. Results decreased by 0.10 points from FY 2022 to FY 2023 to 4.04, and OPM did not meet its FY 2023 target of 4.12 out of 5. Of the USAJOBS mobile survey measures, the average effectiveness score decreased the most compared to the previous year. In FY 2024, OPM will launch a redesigned homepage and improve the search experience. OPM will also conduct a review of the mobile experience to determine if any website enhancements implemented in FY 2023 are not performing as intended. Additionally, OPM will continue conducting user testing and analyzing feedback from customers to inform improvements that enhance the applicant experience and improve the effectiveness of the USAJOBS mobile platform.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.2.016 Average ease score (mobile) - - 4.09 4.12 4.06 4.11 Not Met

Note: FY 2023 results are only available for Q1, Q3, and Q4.

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the mobile survey from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and from April 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023. With 22,037 responses, the response rate was 0.25 percent. Results decreased by 0.06 points from FY 2022 to FY 2023 to 4.06, and OPM did not meet its FY 2023 target of 4.11 out of 5. In FY 2024, OPM will launch a redesigned homepage and improve the search experience. OPM will also conduct a review of the mobile experience to determine if any website enhancements implemented in FY 2023 are not performing as intended. Additionally, OPM will continue conducting user testing and analyzing feedback from customers to inform improvements that enhance the applicant experience and make it easier for users to complete actions on the site using a mobile device.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.2.017 Average efficiency score (mobile) - - 4.08 4.09 4.01 4.06 Not Met

Note: FY 2023 results are only available for Q1, Q3, and Q4.

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the mobile survey from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and from April 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023. With 21,024 responses, the response rate was 0.25 percent. Results decreased by 0.08 points from FY 2022 to FY 2023 to 4.01, and OPM did not meet its FY 2023 target of 4.06 out of 5. In FY 2023, the average efficiency score was the lowest scoring item on the mobile survey. In FY 2024, OPM will launch a redesigned homepage and improve the search experience. OPM will also conduct a review of the mobile experience to determine if any website enhancements implemented in FY 2023 are not performing as intended. Additionally, OPM will continue conducting user testing and analyzing feedback from customers to inform improvements that enhance the applicant experience and decrease the time it takes users to complete actions on the site using a mobile device.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.2.018 Average transparency score (mobile) - - 4.39 4.37 4.38 4.42 Not Met

Note: FY 2023 results are only available for Q1, Q3, and Q4.

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the mobile survey from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and from April 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023. With 21,983 responses, the response rate was 0.25 percent. OPM increased results by 0.01 points from FY 2022 to FY 2023 to 4.38, but did not meet its FY 2023 target of 4.42 out of 5. In FY 2023, the average transparency score was the only mobile survey score to increase compared to the previous year. The average transparency score was also the highest scoring mobile score in FY 2023. In FY 2024, OPM will launch a redesigned homepage and improve the search experience. OPM will also conduct a review of the mobile experience to determine if any website enhancements implemented in FY 2023 are not performing as intended. Additionally, OPM will continue conducting user testing and analyzing feedback from customers to inform improvements that enhance the applicant experience and increase the transparency of the site on a mobile device. OPM will also continue the migration of the website to the cloud environment to limit system downtime and prevent disruptions to user access.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.2.019 Average website helpfulness score (mobile) - - 4.14 4.16 4.10 4.18 Not Met

Note: FY 2023 results are only available for Q1, Q3, and Q4.

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the mobile survey from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and from April 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023. With 22,008 responses, the response rate was 0.25 percent. Results decreased by 0.06 points from FY 2022 to FY 2023 to 4.10, and OPM did not meet its FY 2023 target of 4.18 out of 5. In FY 2024, OPM will launch a redesigned homepage and improve the search experience. OPM will also conduct a review of the mobile experience to determine if any website enhancements implemented in FY 2023 are not performing as intended. Additionally, OPM will continue conducting user testing and analyzing feedback from customers to inform improvements that enhance the applicant experience and meet their needs while on site using a mobile device.

Strategic Objective 3.3

Create a seamless customer and intermediary experience across OPM’s policy, service, and oversight functions. By FY 2026, increase the average score for helpfulness of OPM human capital services in achieving human capital objectives to 4.5 out of 5.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM conducted Human Capital Reviews with the 24 CFO Act Agencies as part of an annual evidence-based review of agencies’ design and implementation of their respective Human Capital Operating Plans, independent audits, and HRStat programs. OPM focused the FY 2023 Human Capital Reviews on four Government-wide topics: workforce planning and analysis, DEIA, evaluation system development, and innovation. By bringing together leaders and subject matter experts from MSAC, WPI, HRS, HCDMM, and ODEIA in individual meetings with agency human capital leaders, OPM identified and shared successful practices, identified root causes of issues, developed solutions, and highlighted crosscutting human capital challenges that warrant further attention.

OPM established recurring agency meetings comprised of a specialized OPM team with representatives from WPI, HRS, and MSAC focused on supporting agencies impacted by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, later expanded to include agencies impacted by the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors and Science Act and the Inflation Reduction Act. OPM leveraged these sessions as part of its successful surge hiring efforts, reviewing agency-specific data integrated into OPM dashboards, obtaining subject-matter expert vetted answers to agency-requested information, and coordinating talent surge planning next steps.

To further enhance intra-agency collaboration, OPM reestablished a meeting for managers and senior advisors from organizations across OPM, including WPI, MSAC, and HRS, to identify opportunities for collaboration. Focus areas include sharing new regulations, policy, guidance, and tools; promoting engagement across organizations; and facilitating holistic approaches to offer solutions to agency challenges. 

In addition, in response to feedback from CHCOs and other stakeholders, OPM developed a clearance process dashboard to provide agency HR offices with more transparency on the status of OPM approvals. OPM will pilot the dashboard with the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.3.001 Average score for helpfulness of OPM human capital services in achieving human capital objectives - - 4.31 4.42 4.38 4.32 Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the mobile survey between October 1, 2022, and September 30, 2023. OPM received 1,182 responses in FY 2023. While results decreased 0.04 points from FY 2022 to FY 2023, OPM met its FY 2023 target of 4.32. In FY 2024, OPM will pilot HR data and digital products for HR practitioners and employees, revise a Succession Management Guide, develop a Merit System Principles Maturity Model, and develop a process to identify opportunities for cross-collaborative guidance, support, and service.

Strategic Objective 3.4

Transform the OPM website to a user-centric and user-friendly website. By FY 2026, achieve an average effectiveness score of 4 out of 5.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM awarded a contract and onboarded the in-house product team needed to drive successful development and implementation of a minimum viable product for its refreshed website. OPM also procured the services for hosting the website’s content management system on a Cloud FedRAMP Platform as a Service. The vendor will provide all the patching, maintenance, and support for the platform (including technical support for implementation).

To inform the modernization effort, OPM developed draft user personas and stood up a sandbox instance of a new content management system. OPM also began user research and took steps to implement a user survey on the website, which OPM will deploy in FY 2024. The agency also developed an initial draft of a new content management strategy, conducted an initial audit of the existing site and its traffic, and began researching a new site structure and navigation.

OPM established an internal program office working group to share updates and solicit feedback as well as an initial Digital Governance Board to review digital projects. The agency began in-depth work on select content areas with the appropriate OPM program offices.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.4.001 Average effectiveness score - - - - - Establish Baseline Establish Baseline N/A

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, OPM did not administer an customer experience survey. OPM began deployment of a new survey in FY 2024, the results of which OPM plans to publish in the next report.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
3.4.002 Average ease score - - - - - Establish Baseline Establish Baseline N/A

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, OPM did not administer an customer experience survey. OPM began deployment of a new survey in FY 2024, the results of which OPM plans to publish in the next report.

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Strategic Goal 4

Provide innovative and data-driven solutions to enable agencies to meet their missions, increasing the percentage of users throughout Government who agree that OPM offered innovative solutions while providing services or guidance by 4 points.

Strategic Objective 4.1

Foster a culture of creativity and innovation within OPM. By FY 2026, increase the percentage of employees who agree that innovation is valued by 4 points.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM executed a second run of its Innovation in Service Delivery Design Program. Three new teams at OPM participated in a series of workshops and coaching with the Lab at OPM, which helps Government organizations transform their programs, processes, and people through human-centered design. The teams participated in a series of human-centered design and service delivery workshops and considered a service or program through the lens of service delivery and customer experience. Following the second pilot, OPM developed a summary of learnings and utilized the evaluation of the pilot to inform an open enrollment course offered to Federal employees Government-wide on a fee-for-service basis. Six additional OPM teams participated in the Service Design for Teams open enrollment course, formerly known as the Innovation in Service Delivery Design Pilot Program. Additionally, OPM hosted three “Lunch and Learns” for its employees focused on improving the customer experience, breaking silos, and showcasing a Retirement Services quick guide. The “Lunch and Learns” and the Innovation in Service Delivery Design Program are cross-organizational opportunities to bring OPM employees together to engage with innovation projects and ideas. OPM also hosted its first enterprise-wide “Accelerator,” a fast-paced, interactive session using an innovation jam methodology, with more than 200 participants focused on promoting an innovative and creative culture. Cumulatively, more than 800 OPM employees across 20 offices participated in at least one of these events.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.1.001 OPM Innovation score - - - 67.22 71.37 70.22 Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM conducted the 2023 OPM FEVS from May 8 through July 14, 2023. Approximately 1,595 OPM employees participated, for a response rate of 61.7 percent. Results increased by more than four points from FY 2022, and OPM exceeded the target. OPM scored highest (76.76 percent) on the Innovation Index item “Employees in my work unit consistently look for new ways to improve how they do their work,” and lowest (62.85 percent) on “My work unit commits resources to develop new ideas (e.g., budget, staff, time, expert support).”

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.1.004 Percent of OPM leaders trained in innovation techniques (Cumulative) - - - 6.67% 21.66% 8.43% Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Note: OPM corrected the FY 2022 result for the measure “Percent of OPM leaders trained in innovation techniques” from 6.74 percent to 6.67 percent in May 2023.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

OPM trained 112 of 517 OPM supervisors, managers, team leaders, and management officials in innovation techniques. The FY 2023 result represents an increase of nearly 15 percentage points from FY 2022, and OPM exceeded its target. OPM launched a second run of the OPM Innovation in Service Delivery Design program and an Accelerator program. These programs created additional opportunities for OPM leaders to be trained in innovation techniques.

Strategic Objective 4.2

Increase focus on Government-wide policy work by shifting more low-risk delegations of authorities to agencies.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM issued a final rule providing improved time-limited hiring flexibilities. OPM also identified additional transactions to consider for delegation and performed risk assessments on those transactions. The agency submitted three legislative delegations/flexibilities to the Congress for consideration and added one additional transactional activity, Dual Compensation Waivers, to propose for delegation to agencies in FY 2024. OPM also briefed the CHCO Council on its progress identifying transactions to be delegated and the tentative timeline for delegating them.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.2.001 Percent of low-risk delegations with errors identified through OPM or agency led evaluations - - - - - Establish Baseline Establish Baseline N/A

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

Results for this measure are not expected until FY 2024.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.2.003 Percent of CHCOs who agree that OPM provides appropriate delegations to agencies - - - 48.48% 46.88% 51.50% Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, 15 of 32 Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCOs) and Deputy Chief Human Capital Officers who responded to the CHCO Council Annual Survey indicated that OPM provides appropriate delegations to agencies. This result represents a decrease of 1.6 percentage points, and OPM did not meet its target. OPM conducted the survey in October 2022. With 32 respondents, the response rate was 73 percent. OPM will work to advance additional delegations in FY 2024.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.2.004 Percent of low-risk delegations granted to agencies (Cumulative) - - 10.00% 10.00% 20.00% Establish Baseline Establish Baseline

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, OPM granted one additional low-risk delegation to agencies and has now granted two of the 10 designated low-risk delegations since FY 2021.

Strategic Objective 4.3

Expand the quality and use of OPM’s Federal human capital data. By FY 2026, increase the percentage of CHCO survey respondents who agree that OPM provides agencies with high quality workforce data and information to be used in decision-making by 20 percentage points.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM, in consultation with OMB, determined that performance toward this objective is making noteworthy progress.

OPM developed and released its FY 2023-2026 Data Strategy and rolled out a new data portal to seamlessly deliver human capital data products and services to agencies, employees, and the public. Data products provided in the rollout include the DEIA, OPM FEVS, Cyber Workforce, Time to Hire, and Attrition dashboards. More than 700 agency senior leaders, CHCOs, and agency-identified stakeholders now have access to OPM data products. In addition, OPM developed a roadmap for developing other high-priority dashboards and insights to meet agency priorities.

OPM continued efforts to enhance data quality and timeliness for analysis and reporting. The agency deployed a new data quality tool to its production environment to enable no-code data testing, reconciliation, and validation. Through its work with agencies and shared service providers, OPM recently achieved an improved time-to-insight mark, releasing three months of EHRI Dynamics data within 24 hours and completing the FY 2022 Dynamics dataset in record time. OPM also began modernization of its data platforms (including Enterprise Human Resources Integration and the electronic Official Personnel Folder) to build a unified platform offering advanced data management, integration, and governance capabilities. Additionally, OPM is developing new applications to offer improved experiences to Federal employees and HR specialists.

OPM identified Human Capital Data Champions across CFO-Act agencies to support agency adoption of OPM dashboards and support quality and timeliness of data submitted to OPM. The agency also established a Data Stewardship Committee working group to operationalize data governance and implement a data stewardship framework. OPM established a Data Inventory to improve data discovery and lay the foundation for classification and protection of its data assets.

To develop the skills of the Federal workforce, OPM’s Human Capital Data Analytics Community of Practice held monthly meetings where OPM and agency speakers presented work and best practices. The Community of Practice grew to more than 400 members across the Federal community, with an average of 150 people attending the meetings each month. The Data Analytics Community of Practice also held two upskilling webinars focused on descriptive analytics tools and practices and predictive analytics. More than 200 Federal community members attended each webinar.

OPM identified gaps in data skills of the OPM workforce through an organization-wide data skills assessment and provided an initial index of training resources aligned to the gaps identified in the assessment. A data visualization support team at OPM offered weekly office hours to more than 50 participants per week, and a data visualization Community of Practice now includes more than 380 members. OPM also partnered with agencies to initiate a Federal data analyst hiring action, which resulted in more than 100 candidates passing the structured interview process. Agencies may leverage this hiring vehicle through August of 2024.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.3.001 Percent of CHCOs who agree that OPM provides agencies with high quality workforce data and information for decision-making - - - 54.55% 56.67% 59.55% Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, 17 of 30 Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCOs) and Deputy Chief Human Capital Officers who responded to the CHCO Council Annual Survey indicated that OPM provides agencies with high quality workforce data and information for decision-making. While the result increased by more than two points from FY 2022, OPM did not meet the target. To improve this result, OPM plans to develop an enterprise human capital analytics platform and implement EHRI payroll data quality improvements in FY 2024. OPM conducted the survey in October 2022. With 30 respondents, the response rate was 68 percent.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.3.002 Average quarterly number of users of OPM's publicly available human capital dashboards - - - - 4,441.00 133.09 Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Note: OPM revised the definition, calculation method, and historical results for this measure in FY 2023 due to changes to the measurement process. Data is not available for the first, second, or third quarters of FY 2023.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

The FY 2023 result reflects only the result for the fourth quarter. With 4,491 users of the publicly available human capital dashboards, OPM exceeded its target. In FY 2023, OPM launched an updated data portal for agency partners and stakeholders to access the human capital dashboards. As OPM makes additional human capital dashboards available, the agency anticipates the number of users to increase.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.3.003 Average quarterly number of authenticated users of OPM's human capital dashboards - - - 67.67 140.25 71.05 Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

Note: The reported result for FY 2022 is the quarterly average for quarters one, three, and four. Data is not available for the second quarter of FY 2022. In FY 2023, OPM revised the definition for measure 4.3.003 to clarify the user type (authenticated) included in the calculation.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

The number of users of eight OPM dashboards (Attrition, Cyber Workforce, DEIA, FEVS, OPM Hiring Process, Talent Acquisition, Talent Surge, and Time to Hire) increased each quarter, by 201 percent from Q1 to Q4. The number of users more than doubled from FY 2022, and OPM exceeded the target. The most viewed dashboard was the DEIA dashboard, and the least viewed was the Time to Hire dashboard. In FY 2023, OPM launched an updated data portal for agency partners and stakeholders to access the human capital dashboards.

Strategic Objective 4.4

Improve OPM’s ability to provide strategic human capital management leadership to agencies through expansion of innovation, pilots, and identification of best practices across Government. By FY 2026, provide Federal agencies with 25 best practices.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM’s leading practices showcase series for agencies featured human capital data and dashboard work across OPM, including the FEVS Dashboard, the DEIA Dashboard, and the Cyber Workforce Dashboard. OPM also issued guidance sharing leading practices on topics including workforce planning, student and early career programs, and wellness programs. OPM collected leading practices through a President’s Management Agenda data call, Human Capital Reviews, CHCO Council working groups and direct collaboration with agencies. The agency also established an internal portal for collecting and sharing leading human capital practices.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.4.001 Number of leading practices shared with Federal agencies - - - 9 7 5 Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, OPM shared seven leading practices with agencies, including OPM’s Workforce Planning Guide and Data-to-Decisions Dashboard, the Defensive Finance and Accounting Service’s Robotics Process Automation program, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s recruitment strategies. While the number of practices shared with agencies decreased by two from FY 2022, OPM exceeded the target.

Strategic Objective 4.5

Revamp OPM’s policy-making approach to be proactive, timely, systematic, and inclusive. By FY 2026, increase the percent of CHCOs who agree that OPM’s policy approach is responsive to agency needs by 8 percentage points.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM completed a clearance process improvement project, which included process mapping, interviews with 40 OPM employees from 13 offices, analysis of 20-months of data on approximately 3,200 packages that were reviewed approximately 24,000 times, and adoption of 19 recommendations to improve the process. To support these improvements, OPM developed a dashboard for ongoing monitoring of the clearance process. OPM also focused on increasing regulatory process knowledge and capacity within the agency, including the completion of a pilot program on regulatory training and hiring for new regulatory positions, and began the planning process to evaluate policies.

The agency also conducted a preliminary study of Federal employees’ use of the paid parental leave benefit, leveraging OPM human resources data and OPM FEVS data to answer questions related to the number of users of paid parental leave, amount of the leave benefit used, and reasons for not using the full amount of the benefit.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.5.001 Percent of priority policy guidance issued by the deadline - - - 38.46% 0.00% 43.46% Not Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, OPM did not issue any of the three priority policy guidance documents by the deadline, a decline from FY 2022, and did not meet its target. To improve timeliness, OPM conducted a clearance process improvement project, and will begin to implement the recommendations in FY 2024.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.5.002 Percent of CHCOs who agree that OPM's policy approach is responsive to agency needs - - - 54.55% 67.74% 59.55% Met

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, 21 of 31 Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCOs) and Deputy Chief Human Capital Officers who responded to the CHCO Council Annual Survey indicated that OPM’s policy approach is responsive to agency needs. The result increased by more than 13 percentage points from FY 2022, and OPM exceeded the target. OPM conducted the survey in October 2022. With 31 respondents, the response rate was 70 percent.

Strategic Objective 4.6

Streamline Federal human capital regulations and guidance to reduce administrative burden and promote innovation while upholding merit system principles. By FY 2026, improve CHCO agreement that human capital policy changes resulted in less administrative burden to agencies by 8 percentage points.

FY 2023 Progress Update

OPM conducted outreach to agencies to better understand their perspectives and priorities, and worked with HCDMM, CLIA, OCIO, OC and program offices to understand options available to alleviate burden, as well as the pros, cons, and likelihood of success for various approaches. The long lead time associated with many approaches has led the team to focus primarily on improving communication and coordination of data collection requirements.

Table Performance Measures FY 2019 Result FY 2020 Result FY 2021 Result FY 2022 Result FY 2023 Result FY 2023 Target FY 2023 Target Met/Not Met FY 2022 - FY 2023 Trend
4.6.001 Percent of CHCOs who agree that the human capital management system changes resulted in less administrative burden to agencies - - - - 24.14% Establish Baseline Establish Baseline

"-" represents no historical data available for this period.

FY 2023 Analysis of Results:

In FY 2023, seven of 29 Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCOs) and Deputy Chief Human Capital Officers who responded to the CHCO Council Annual Survey agreed that human capital management system changes resulted in less burden to agencies. OPM conducted the survey in October 2022. With 29 respondents, the response rate was 65 percent.

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