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Training Evaluation

What is Training Evaluation?

Training evaluation is a continual and systematic process of assessing the value or potential value of training programs to guide decision-making for the program’s future.

When we Evaluate...

--We examine the assumptions upon which an existing or proposed training program is based

--We inquire, up front, about the expected results of the training program

--We create then study the goals and objectives of the program.

--We collect information about a program’s inputs and outcomes.

--We compare it to some pre-set standards.

--We report findings in a manner that facilitates their use.

 Why Evaluate?

Agencies are required to evaluate their training programs annually to determine how well such plans and programs contribute to mission accomplishment and meet organizational performance goals (5 CFR 410.202). In addition, demands to demonstrate training program efficiency, program effectiveness and public accountability are increasing. Evaluation can help meet these demands in various ways:

--To assess needs.
--To set priorities.
--To direct allocation of resources.
--To guide policy

Analysis of program effectiveness or quality
--To determine achievement of project objectives.
--To identify strengths and weaknesses of a program.
--To determine the cost-effectiveness of a program.
--To assess causes of success or failure.

Direct decision-making
--To improve program management and effectiveness.
--To identify and facilitate needed change.
--To continue expand or terminate a program.

Maintain accountability
--To stakeholders.
--To funding sources.
--To the general public.
When to Evaluate

There are several basic questions to ask when deciding whether to carry out an evaluation. If the answers to these questions are "Yes", this may be the time to evaluate.

--Is the program important or significant enough to warrant evaluation?

--Is there a legal requirement to carry out an evaluation? 

--Will the results of the evaluation influence decision-making about the program?

--Will the evaluation answer questions posed by your stakeholders or those interested in the evaluation?

--Is the level of evidence significant enough to warrant an evaluation

Solve Problems (What are some low cost training options available to me?)

Stay Current What can I learn that will help me refresh my knowledge base and add value?)


Create Opportunities (What can be done to create low cost learning experiences?)


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