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Page Revision: 5/12/2011 12:25:43 PM

Sharing Resources and Collaborating Across Agencies

The Federal Chief Learning Officers Council, in partnership with OPM, has developed a wiki page where agencies may share resources and courses, especially Federal mandatory training. These courses may be downloaded to agency LMSs or taken directly through this wiki page.

Before downloading the course source code or taking the course through the wiki, you should determine whether these courses are offered through your agency's LMSs. If so, you should access the course through your agency's LMS to document the training within your agency. We also provide EHRI fields with each course. Please make sure you capture the correct EHRI data fields.

Courses on this wiki page are 508 compliant, according to the agency that developed it. Please adhere to your agency's 508 compliance procedures when downloading any course source code.

Constitution Day Courses:

Department of Homeland Security 
Department of Defense: The Department of Defense (DoD) developed a website and course on the U.S. Constitution to assist DoD employees in learning about the Constitution. The website contains the course, videos from Supreme Court Justices, and other Consitution and Citizenship resources. Federal employees and the general public may view the website and take the course.

Personal Identifiable Informaton

Department of Commerce:
This course is designed to bring awareness about Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Specifically, (1) to identify types of PII; (2) list the methods for protecting and handling PII; (3) state the process/procedure for reporting PII incidents; and (4) recognizing the consequences of mishandling PII. The course material is presented through a day long story in which various PII mishaps occur.

Supervisory Training

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Leadership Development Resources: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has created leadership development program resources consisting of three main components: Leadership Development Program website, online supervisory resource, and 180 leadership assessment. These files may be downloaded from this site.

Difficult Conversations for Supervisors: OPM developed this course to support agencies supervisor training requirement specified in 5CFR 412.202. This online and interactive course allows new and current supervisors to explore different ways to have that "difficult conversation." Supervisors will learn different techniques and tools to having an effective conversation with an employee, thus making the conversation less difficult. Supervisors have the ability to practice having a conversation with a virtual employee allowing them to practice in a safe and risk free environment.

You may either access the course through HR University and/or download the source code from this wiki page. Here is the source code for you to download: Difficult Conversions for Supervisors Source Code

Difficult Conversations for Supervisors Course Trailer: Here is a trailer for agencies to use to market this course.
Difficult Conversations Trailer(non 508 compliant)
Souce Code for 508 compliant trailer

The Federal Collaborative e-Learning Laboratory

The Federal Collaborative e-Learning Laboratory (Fed-CEL) is a trail blazing online community of instructional designers, graphic designers, Web developers, and subject matter experts from across the Federal Government. Through sharing time and resources and working collaboratively, the Fed-CEL will:
  • Explore and implement best practices in online training and instructional design;
  • Use the latest technology to create cutting edge training;
  • Produce collaboratively-built online course content;
  • Become a clearinghouse for mandatory training;
  • Develop a community of practice for ISD and design in the Federal Government.

The establishment of the Fed-CEL will reduce course and content development costs across the Federal sector through pooling of resources and the establishment of a clearinghouse for common mandated training. The community will also improve overall ISD and e-learning knowledge by allowing for knowledge sharing, evaluation and discussion of best practices. This in turn will foster innovation in e-learning development as members experiment and build on each other's work.

If you would like to join our community or have questions about Fed-CEL, please contact Ross Allan.

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