Any telework guidance that is inconsistent with the Presidential Memorandum (PM) entitled “Return to In-Person Work” or OPM’s memorandum entitled “Guidance on Presidential Memorandum Return to In-Person Work” is rescinded. OPM is working to revise to ensure consistency with the PM and OPM’s memorandum.
Welcome to the official hub for the Federal Government's telework program! Whether you telework, supervise teleworking employees, or coordinate your agency's telework policy, you'll find resources and information here to help you succeed.
Telework Managing Officers & Coordinators
Find tools to help your agency use telework in ways that make good business sense.
Supervisors Managing Teleworkers
Explore how to use telework strategically to drive results, reduce costs, improve employees' ability to find work-life balance, and more.
Telework Employees
Get resources and best-practice strategies to support your telework and help you stay connected to your team.

Online Telework Training
Through web-based training, OPM covers the essentials of telework to ensure that all Federal employees have access to the training they need to be motivated and effective teleworkers. Telework Fundamentals for Employees and Telework Fundamentals for Managers are now available.
Visit SectionHistory, Legislation, & Reports
Track federal telework's history and outcomes
Telework Enhancement Act
Read the law on federal telework
Telework Guide
Explore the latest telework guidance