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An official website of the United States government / Retirement / Benefits Officers Center / FERS Election Options

FERS Election Options


FERS Election Opportunities

You have the chance to choose your retirement plan. Should you keep your current retirement coverage or should you choose to be covered by FERS? Depending on what the future holds for you, this decision can make a difference in how early you are able to retire from the Federal Government and how much retirement income you will have. All of the information you need to make your decision is here!

FERS Transfer Handbook Online

The FERS Transfer Handbook provides you with enough information to decide which retirement plan will serve you best. CSRS, CSRS Offset, and FERS are explained in detail. If you are a member of a special employee group including Law Enforcement and Firefighting Personnel, Air Traffic Controllers, or Military Reserve Technicians there are specific sections written just for you.

Quick Decision Guide

If you don't want to spend a lot of time reading the FERS Transfer Handbook and you think your choice is pretty clear. The quick decision guide provides some situations for your review.

Employee Resources

Don't listen to gossip! Get the facts on common FERS transfer rumors. Read OPM's retirement fact sheets. Browse benefits-related links. And if you decide to transfer to FERS, find out how to do it -- all the Employee Resources section.

Benefits Personnel

The Benefits Personnel section contains resources to assist employees with their transfer decisions as well as help in administering transfer elections.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Find answers to commonly asked questions regarding FERS election opportunities.

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