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Remarks of OPM Director Katherine Archuleta

Senior Leaders Event

Washington Hilton

December 9, 2014

As prepared for delivery

Good morning. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to be here with you today as we gather to honor your work, your commitment and your leadership on behalf of this great nation we all proudly serve.

I wish you could see yourselves from my view. I am seeing thousands of you, from all across our government who are responsible for the critical programs, for the service, for the infrastructure and the protection that keeps our nation strong.

We are here today to honor all of our senior leaders – Senior Level, Scientific and Professional, Senior Foreign Service Officers and the Senior Executive Service.

When the SES was created as part of the 1978 Civil Service Reform Act, it was given a symbol- a keystone. As you know, a keystone is the cornerstone that holds all the other stones of an arch in place. Without it, the arch falls. The SES symbol is important because it recognizes that you are the keystone of America's workforce.

As you entered the ballroom today, the names of the winners and finalists of the Presidential Rank Awards scrolled on these screens. The video you just saw highlights a handful of the talented and dedicated members of the Senior Executive Service. And in a moment you'll see a video that features the extraordinary work of a number of senior leaders who have been awarded Service to America Medals by the Partnership for Public Service.

This is just a small sampling of the work that goes on each and every day across America.  Your leadership of America's workforce impacts us all.

You are implementing the President's health care law, the most sweeping domestic reform legislation in decades. You helped victims of hurricane Sandy and victims of tornadoes in Oklahoma and Arkansas put their lives back together.

You worked to bring our economy back with 57 months of continuous job growth.

Under your leadership, Federal employees see to it that each day in America, 30,000 airplanes land safely across the country. You conduct our nation's diplomacy all around the world. Federal leaders make sure that small businesses can get the loans they need to stay open, that children have clean water to drink and a fair chance at a good education.

Yes, you are our keystone. You keep the arch of America strong.

In my first year as Director of OPM, I have traveled across this great country and met with leaders from agencies all across government. I have seen first hand how our executive services attract people who are passionate about what they do.

Simply put, they have a mission to serve and it drives them.

I am proud of the innovation, the energy and the commitment of these leaders, and of their volunteer spirit in their communities.

Today's event not only allows us to reflect on what together we have accomplished, but can inspire us toward what we have yet to do. Let today serve as an opportunity for us to recommit to the President's leadership goals, values and priorities.

In a letter to the Federal workforce last year, President Obama wrote Quote: "I want to remind you, again, that the public service you perform - the role you play in the life of our country – it is important. It matters." End quote.

That is so true. And that's why I'm glad that we have set aside today to honor your leadership, to recognize your service to our country and to express our gratitude for your sacrifices. Later in the program, you will hear from the President himself about his appreciation and his support for all you do.

I am so honored to be able to introduce our celebration today because it recognizes your mission to serve - your commitment to making a difference in the lives of the American people we all serve together.

In praising the values of service, President Woodrow Wilson said, and I quote:  "There is no cause half so sacred as the cause of a people. There is no idea so uplifting as the idea of the service of humanity."

The great work that will be shared and celebrated today happens every day, in every corner of America.

We are proud of you. We are proud of the work you do. I hope you are proud of your purpose-driven mission, because indeed, you are the keystone of America's workforce. The future of the Federal government is in your hands.

With the talent, the dedication and the commitment of the women and men in this room, I am confident that the American people will continue to be led by strong and visionary leaders like you for many years to come.

Thank you.

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