News Update
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Tel: 202-606-2165
NEWS: OPM Issues Updated Pay Tables for Retroactive Pay Raise
WASHINGTON, DC - Today the President signed Executive Order 13866, authorizing a 1.4 percent across-the-board increase for statutory pay systems and locality pay increases of approximately 0.5 percent of basic payroll - reflecting an overall average pay increase of 1.9 percent for civilian Federal employees for 2019. This pay raise is retroactive to January 6, 2019 (based on the standard biweekly payroll cycle).
OPM has worked proactively with payroll providers throughout this process to help ensure the execution happens as seamlessly as possible. Now that OPM has issued the new pay tables and guidance, agencies and payroll providers will work quickly to update their systems and process retroactive pay actions. The exact timing of implementation may vary. Employees should consult their human resources office or payroll providers for further information.
Find more information on the Executive Order and the pay raise here:
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is the leader in workforce management for the federal government. Our agency builds, strengthens, and serves a federal workforce of 2.2 million employees with programs like hiring assistance, healthcare and insurance, retirement benefits, and much more. We provide agencies with policies, guidance, and best practices for supporting federal workers, so they can best serve the American people.