When you have other health coverage
You must tell us if you or a covered family member has coverage under any other health plan or has automobile insurance that pays healthcare expenses without regard to fault. This is called “double coverage.”
When you have double coverage, one plan normally pays its benefits in full as the primary payor and the other plan pays a reduced benefit as the secondary payor. We, like other insurers, determine which coverage is primary according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ (NAIC) guidelines. For more information on NAIC rules regarding the coordinating of benefits, visit our website at www.westernhealth.com/FEHB.
When we are the primary payor, we will pay the benefits described in this brochure.
When we are the secondary payor, we will determine our allowance. After the primary plan processes the benefit, we will pay what is left of our allowance, up to our regular benefit. We will not pay more than our allowance.
TRICARE is the healthcare program for eligible dependents of military persons, and retirees of the military. TRICARE includes the CHAMPUS program. CHAMPVA provides health coverage to disabled Veterans and their eligible dependents. IF TRICARE or CHAMPVA and this Plan cover you, we pay first. See your TRICARE or CHAMPVA Health Benefits Advisor if you have questions about
these programs. Suspended FEHB coverage to enroll in TRICARE or CHAMPVA: If you are an annuitant or former spouse, you can suspend your FEHB coverage to enroll in one of these programs, eliminating your FEHB premium. (OPM does not contribute to
any applicable plan premiums.) For information on suspending your FEHB enrollment, contact your retirement or employing office. If you later want to re-enroll in the FEHB Program, generally you may do so only at the next Open Season unless you involuntarily lose coverage under TRICARE or CHAMPVA.
Workers’ Compensation
Every job-related injury or illness should be reported as soon as possible to your supervisor. Injury also means any illness or disease that is caused or aggravated by the employment as well as damage to medical braces, artificial limbs and other prosthetic devices. If you are a federal or postal employee, ask your supervisor to authorize medical treatment by use of form CA-16 before you obtain treatment. If your medical treatment is accepted by the Dept. of Labor Office of Workers’ Compensation (OWCP), the provider will be compensated by OWCP. If your treatment is determined not job-related, we will process your benefit according to the terms of this plan, including use of in-network providers. Take form CA-16 and form OWCP-1500/HCFA-1500 to your provider, or send it to your provider as soon as possible after treatment, to avoid complications about whether your treatment is covered by this plan or by OWCP.
We do not cover services that:
- You (or a covered family member) need because of a workplace-related illness or injury that the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) or a similar federal or state agency determines they must provide; or
- OWCP or a similar agency pays for through a third-party injury settlement or other similar proceeding that is based on a claim you filed under OWCP or similar laws.
When you have this Plan and Medicaid, we pay first.
Suspended FEHB coverage to enroll in Medicaid or a similar state-sponsored program of medical assistance: If you are an annuitant or former spouse, you can suspend your FEHB coverage to enroll in one of these state programs, eliminating your FEHB premium. For information on suspending your FEHB enrollment, contact your retirement or employing office. If you later want to re-enroll in the FEHB Program, generally you may do so only at the next Open Season unless you involuntarily lose coverage under the state program.
When other Government agencies are responsible for your care
We do not cover services and supplies when a local, state, or federal government agency directly or indirectly pays for them.
When others are responsible for injuries
We are entitled to reimbursement to the extent of the benefits we have paid or provided in connection with your injury or illness. However, we will cover the cost of treatment that exceeds the amount of the payment you received.
Reimbursement to us out of the payment shall take first priority (before any of the rights of any other parties are honored) and is not impacted by how the judgment, settlement, or other recovery is characterized, designated, or apportioned. Our right of reimbursement is not subject to reduction based on attorney fees or costs under the “common fund” doctrine and is fully enforceable regardless of whether you are “made whole” or fully compensated for the full amount of damages claimed.
We may, at our option, choose to exercise our right of subrogation and pursue a recovery from any liable party as successor to your rights.
If you do pursue a claim or case related to your injury or illness, you must promptly notify us and cooperate with our reimbursement or subrogation efforts.
When you have Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Plan (FEDVIP) coverage
Some FEHB plans already cover some dental and vision services. When you are covered by more than one vision/dental plan, coverage provided under your FEHB plan remains as your primary coverage. FEDVIP coverage pays secondary to that coverage. When you enroll in a dental and/or vision plan on BENEFEDS.com or by phone at 1-877-888-3337, (TTY 1-877-889-5680), you will be asked to provide information on your FEHB plan so that your plans can coordinate benefits. Providing your FEHB information may reduce your out-of-pocket cost.
Clinical trials
An approved clinical trial includes a phase I, phase II, phase III, or phase IV clinical trial that is conducted in relation to the prevention, detection, or treatment of cancer or other life-threatening disease or condition and is either Federally funded; conducted under an investigational new drug application reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration; or is a drug trial that is exempt from the requirement of an investigational new drug application.
If you are a participant in a clinical trial, this health plan will provide related care as follows, if it is not provided by the clinical trial:
- Routine care costs – costs for routine services such as doctor visits, lab tests, X-rays and scans, and hospitalizations related to treating the patient’s condition, whether the patient is in a clinical trial or is receiving standard therapy.
- Extra care costs – costs related to taking part in a clinical trial such as additional tests that a patient may need as part of the trial, but not as part of the patient’s routine care.
Research costs – costs related to conducting the clinical trial such as research physician and nurse time, analysis of results, and clinical tests performed only for research purposes. These costs are generally covered by the clinical trials. This plan does not cover these costs.
When you have Medicare
For more detailed information on “What is Medicare?” and “Should I Enroll in Medicare?” please contact Medicare at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227), (TTY 1-877-486-2048) or at www.medicare.gov.
The Original Medicare Plan (Part A or Part B)
The Original Medicare Plan (Original Medicare) is available everywhere in the United States. It is the way everyone used to get Medicare benefits and is the way most people get their Medicare Part A and Part B benefits now. You may go to any doctor, specialist, or hospital that accepts Medicare. The Original Medicare Plan pays its share and you pay your share.
All physicians and other providers are required by law to file claims directly to Medicare for members with Medicare Part B, when Medicare is primary. This is true whether or not they accept Medicare.
When you are enrolled in Original Medicare along with this Plan, you still need to follow the rules in this brochure for us to cover your care.
Claims process when you have the Original Medicare Plan – You will probably not need to file a claim form when you have both our Plan and the Original Medicare Plan.
When we are the primary payor, we process the claim first.
When Original Medicare is the primary payor, Medicare processes your claim first. In most cases, your claim will be coordinated automatically and we will then provide secondary benefits for covered charges. To find out if you need to do something to file your claim, call us at 888-563-2250 or see our website at www.westernhealth.com/FEHB.
We waive some costs if the Original Medicare Plan is your primary payor – We will waive some out-of-pocket costs as follows:
- Medical services and supplies provided by physicians and other healthcare professionals.
We do not waive any costs if the Original Medicare Plan is your primary payor.
Please review the following examples which illustrates your cost share if you are enrolled in Medicare Part B. If you purchase Medicare Part B, your provider is in our network and participates in Medicare, then we waive some costs because Medicare will be the primary payor.
You pay without Medicare- (High Option): N/A - No deductible
You pay with Medicare Part B - (High Option): N/A - No deductible
Out-of-Pocket Maximum
You pay without Medicare- (High Option): $2,500 Self Only/$4,500 Self Plus
One/$4,500 Self and Family
You pay with Medicare Part B - (High Option): $2,500 Self Only/$4,500
Self Plus One/$4,500 Self and Family
Part B Premium Reimbursement Offered
You pay without Medicare- (High Option): N/A
You pay with Medicare Part B - (High Option): N/A
Benefit Description: Primary Care Provider
High Option You pay without Medicare: $20 copay
High Option You pay with Medicare Part B: $20 copay
Benefit Description: Specialist
High Option You pay without Medicare: $20 copay
High Option You pay with Medicare Part B: $20 copay
Benefit Description: Inpatient Hospital
High Option You pay without Medicare: $250 copay
High Option You pay with Medicare Part B: $250 copay
Benefit Description: Outpatient Hospital
High Option You pay without Medicare: $100 copay
High Option You pay with Medicare Part B: $100 copay
Incentives Offered
You pay without Medicare- (High Option): N/A
You pay with Medicare Part B - (High Option): N/A
You can find more information about how our plan coordinates benefits with Medicare by calling our Customer Care Center at 888-563-2250 or at www.westernhealth.com/FEHB.
Tell us about your Medicare Coverage
You must tell us if you or a covered family member has Medicare coverage, and let us obtain information about services denied or paid under Medicare if we ask. You must also tell us about other coverage you or your covered family members may have, as this coverage may affect the primary/secondary status of this Plan and Medicare.
Medicare prescription drug coverage (Part D)
When we are the primary payor, we process the claim first. If you enroll in Medicare Part D and we are the secondary payor, we will review claims for your prescription drug costs that are not covered by Medicare Part D and consider them for payment under the FEHB plan.