Agency Closures
Questions and answers
In general, no. Under sections 6329a and 6329c of title 5, United States Code, OPM is authorized to regulate certain types of leave, including a new type of leave called “weather and safety leave,” which was previously granted as administrative leave or excused absence. As set forth in OPM’s regulations and guidance, there is an expectation that telework-ready employees will continue to work during severe or other emergency situations. Consequently, except in rare circumstances, employees who are telework program participants will not receive weather and safety leave, since they are not prevented from performing work at an approved location due to a weather or other safety-related emergency. OPM’s regulations state that all telework program participants must telework or take other leave (paid or unpaid) or paid time off during an office closure. For further information, please see 5 CFR part 630, subpart P and OPM's Governmentwide Dismissal and Closure Procedures.