Questions and answers
Premiums can vary depending on your salary and age. On OPM’s website you can see the current employee premium rates and annuitant premium rates.
Using the rates you can calculate your premiums manually, or you can let the FEGLI Calculator do the math for you.
Biweekly employees pay 15 cents per $1,000 of Basic coverage. To calculate your Basic coverage, take your annual rate of pay, round it up to the nearest whole $1,000 and then add $2,000. Take the number of thousands of dollars and multiply them by 15 cents to get your biweekly Basic premium.
Basic premiums are the same for employees regardless of age. Postal employees typically receive Basic with no premium.
Optional premiums increase with age in five-year bands starting at age 35. Premiums increase at age 35, 40, 45, and so on.
For Option B coverage, again you take your annual rate of pay and round it up to the nearest whole $1,000. You do not add $2,000 for option B. Take the number of thousands of dollars and multiply them by the Option B rate for your age to get your biweekly Option B premium.
For annuitants, your FEGLI coverage and premiums are based on your salary at the time of retirement, not on the amount of your annuity. After age 65, your coverage and premiums may change based on the reduction choices you made at the time of retirement.