Performance Management Solutions
Questions and answers
Agencies requesting continued certification should submit the Performance Appraisal Assessment Tool (PAAT) to OPM six months prior to the expiration of their system’s current certification. The SES and SL/ST PAATs are available online. Agencies that are not certified may submit their requests for certification of SES and SL/ST PA systems using the PAAT as soon as the required information for PAAT submission is available. An agency must receive at least 90 points on the PAAT to receive full certification (certification lasts for two years) and at least 80 points to receive partial certification (certification lasts for one year). Scoring on the PAAT is based on the number of OPM requirements the agency’s PA system and performance plans meet. PMS consultants offer assistance to agencies that need support obtaining OPM certification by conducting an audit on their PA system and consulting on the PAAT submission process. Please contact Rebecca Ayers at for more information.