Sick Leave and Other Time Off
Questions and answers
Not necessarily. Under OPM’s regulations (5 CFR 630.405(a)), an agency may grant
sick leave only when the need for sick leave is supported by administratively acceptable
evidence. An agency may consider an employee’s self-certification as to the reason for
his or her absence as administratively acceptable evidence, regardless of the duration of the absence. An agency may also require a medical certificate or other administratively
acceptable evidence as to the reason for an absence for any of the purposes for which sick
leave is granted for an absence in excess of 3 workdays, or for a lesser period when the
agency determines it is necessary. Supervisors should use their best judgment and follow
their agency’s internal practices for granting sick leave. Agencies should also be mindful
about the burden and impact of requiring a medical certificate.
Last Updated: 3/7/2020
Last Updated: 3/7/2020