The leadership of the Council advise and assist the President and the Director of OPM in establishing a coordinated Government-wide effort to enhance employment opportunities for veterans through refined recruitment and training efforts and serve as a national forum for promoting veterans' employment opportunities in the Executive Branch.

Vice Chair


Department of State | Department of the Treasury |
Department of Defense | Department of Justice |
Department of the Interior | Department of Agriculture |
Department of Commerce | Department of Labor |
Department of Health and Human Services | Department of Housing and Urban Development |
Department of Transportation | Department of Energy |
Department of Education | Department of Veterans Affairs |
Department of Homeland Security | Environmental Protection Agency |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Agency for International Development |
General Services Administration | National Science Foundation |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Office of Personnel Management |
Small Business Administration | Social Security Administration |
Within the Council on Veterans Employment is a Steering Committee is responsible for providing leadership, accountability, and strategic direction to the Council. The Steering Committee is instrumental in setting and vetting the strategies and goals adopted by the Council and the many successes enjoyed by this Initiative. Permanent members of this committee consist of representatives of the Secretaries of Defense, Labor, Veterans Affairs, and Homeland Security, and the Director of OPM. The Co-Chairs may solicit additional members to serve on the committee on a rotating basis each fiscal year.
Current Steering Committee Members
- Department of Labor (DOL)
- Veterans Affairs (VA)
- Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
- Department of Defense (DoD)
- Department of Homeland Security (DHS)