Time to Hire Dashboard
OPM has been assisting agencies and monitoring agency progress in reducing time-to-hire (T2H) as part of our central oversight and evidence-based strategic human capital policy functions. OPM has been collecting T2H data from agencies to monitor progress against the end to end hiring roadmap. This aligns directly with the January 20, 2025, Executive Order, Reforming the Federal Hiring Process and Restoring Merit to Government Service, helping to make the Federal hiring process more efficient. This dashboard is designed to inform the public on the speed of hiring for the Federal government's mission critical occupations.
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OPM Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Dashboard
The OPM Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) dashboard provides governmentwide FEVS results and indices by agency size, and agency. Data covers 2020 to 2024 OPM FEVS surveys.
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Cyber Workforce Dashboard
The Federal workforce is comprised of a distinct group of employees working on information technology (IT), cybersecurity, and cyber-related functions as coded by one of the 52 NICE work roles. The Cyber Workforce dashboard provides interactive data and visuals on this cyber workforce.
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Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCO) Hiring Manager Satisfaction Survey
OPM worked with the CHCO Council to implement the manager satisfaction surveys to support agencies’ efforts to improve the hiring process. This aligns directly with the January 20, 2025, Executive Order, Reforming the Federal Hiring Process and Restoring Merit to Government Service, helping to make the Federal hiring process more efficient and specifically to understand the hiring manager’s experience. The purpose of this dashboard is to provide Federal Agencies the results of the Hiring Manager Satisfaction Survey.
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FedScope: Federal Workforce Data
OPM's FedScope allows public access to many data elements from OPM's Enterprise Human Resources Integration‐Statistical Data Mart (EHRI‐SDM). This includes information on federal employee demographics, job characteristics, hires, separations, and more. Data is suppressed, as required by policy, to protect employee privacy, while also making as much information as possible available to the public.
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Hiring Assessment and Selection Outcome Dashboard
This GSA Data to Decisions dashboard examines assessment tools used in competitive service recruitments to help Federal HR Professionals and Hiring Managers identify best practices across agencies and job occupations using governmentwide data and trends.
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OPM Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Reports
The OPM Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) is an organizational climate survey that supports agency actions by collecting employee perceptions about agency practices and policies.
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OPM Datasets
This site provides access to the datasets underlying the FedScope data cubes, as well as a small number of other datasets prepared by OPM.
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