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Strategic Goal 3

Create a human-centered customer experience by putting the needs of OPM’s customers at the center of OPM’s workforce services, policy, and oversight.

Strategic Objective 3.1 - Enhance the Retirement Services customer experience by providing timely, accurate, and responsive service that addresses the diverse needs of OPM’s customers. By FY 2026, improve the customer satisfaction score to 4.2 out of 5.
Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Office of the Chief Information Officer Salaries & Expenses $9,905 0.0
Office of the Chief Information Officer Trust Fund Annual $5,690,508 28.9
Office of the Chief Information Officer Revolving Fund $433,857 3.0
Office of the Chief Information Officer 5 U.S.C. § 8348 (a)(1)(B) - Retirement $214,792 1.1
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $127,507 0.7
Retirement Services Salaries & Expenses $13,576,614 125.0
Retirement Services Trust Fund Annual $73,512,568 558.7
Retirement Services 5 U.S.C. § 8348 (a)(1)(B) - Retirement $62,807,923 429.2
Retirement Services FERCCA (P.L. 106-265) - Retirement $1,152,802 7.0
Strategic Objective 3.1 Total $157,526,476 1,153.6
Strategic Objective 3.2 - Create a personalized USAJOBS experience to help applicants find relevant opportunities. By FY 2026, improve applicant satisfaction to 4.1 out of 5 for the desktop platform and to 4.5 out of 5 for the mobile platform..
Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Office of the Chief Information Officer Salaries & Expenses $4,073,067 0.0
Office of the Chief Information Officer Trust Fund Annual $122,000 0.0
Office of the Chief Information Officer Common Services $9,163,515 0.0
Office of the Chief Information Officer 5 U.S.C. § 8348 (a)(1)(B) - Retirement $69,337 0.0
Employee Services Salaries & Expenses $131,353 0.5
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $17,771,715 28.0
Strategic Objective 3.2 Total $31,330,987 28.5
Strategic Objective 3.3 - Create a seamless customer and intermediary experience across OPM’s policy, service, and oversight functions. By FY 2026, increase the average score for helpfulness of OPM human capital services in achieving human capital objectives to 4.5 out of 5.
Organization Fund Dollars FTE
Office of the Chief Information Officer Revolving Fund $2,887,256 0.0
Employee Services Salaries & Expenses $737,878 2.8
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $125,349 0.5
Merit System Accountability & Compliance Salaries & Expenses $2,292,709 14.8
Human Capital Data Management and Modernization Salaries & Expenses $127,462 0.7
Human Capital Data Management and Modernization Revolving Fund $253,007 1.1
Strategic Objective 3.3 Total $6,423,661 19.8
Strategic Objective 3.4 - Transform the OPM website to a user-centric and user-friendly website. By FY 2026, achieve an average effectiveness score of 4 out of 5.
Organization Fund Dollars FTE
HR Solutions Revolving Fund $66,892 0.3
Office of Communications Salaries & Expenses $35,483 0.2
Office of the Executive Secretariat and Privacy and Information Management Salaries & Expenses $123,920 0.5
Retirement Services Trust Fund Annual $535,746 2.3
Retirement Services 5 U.S.C. § 8348 (a)(1)(B) - Retirement $438,337 1.9
Strategic Objective 1.4 Total $1,200,378 5.1
OPM Total
Organization Dollars FTE
OPM Total $295,601,765 439.2

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