Telework is a work arrangement that allows an employee to perform work, during any part of regular, paid hours, at an approved alternative worksite (e.g., home, telework center). There are two types of telework:
• Routine telework occurs as part of a previously approved, ongoing, and regular schedule.
• Situational telework is approved on a case-by-case basis, where the hours worked were not part of a previously approved, ongoing, and regular telework schedule. Situational telework is sometimes also referred to as episodic, intermittent, unscheduled, or ad-hoc telework.
Facts & Business Case
To learn more about telework, visit and consult with your agency Telework Managing Officer and/or Coordinator.
Flexible Work Schedules
Compressed Work Schedule: A work schedule that allows a full-time employee to complete an 80-hour pay period in less than 10 days
Flexible Work Schedule: A work schedule that allows an employee to choose arrival and departure times while maintaining agency-determined core hours
Maxiflex Schedule: A schedule that allows an employee a wide range of work times, for instance, a full-time employee is allowed to vary the number of hours worked during a workday (for example, working 8:00 AM to midnight) or the number of hours worked each week
Job Sharing: An arrangement that allows two employees to coordinate schedules/assignments to share a work role
Part-time Schedule: An arrangement that allows an employee to work less than full-time, but for a specific number of hours
Phased Retirement: An arrangement that allows an employee to work less than full-time, but for a specific number of hours, while drawing retirement benefits
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