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Page Revision: 8/2/2012 9:47:35 AM

Training & Performance Management

Performance Management is the systematic process by which an agency involves its employees, as individuals and members of a group, in improving organizational effectiveness in the accomplishment of agency mission and goals. In other words performance management is the use of performance measurement information to:

  • Help set agreed-upon performance goals,
  • Allocate and prioritize resources,
  • Inform managers to either confirm or change current policy or program directions to meet those goals, and
  • report on the success in meeting those goals.

SOURCE: Serving the American Public: Best Practices in Performance Measurement, NPR, June 1997.

The singular function of training within performance management is to help facilitate change. Training facilitates capability building of individuals, which in turn can bring about the desired change an agency is seeking at the individual level and, subsequently at the organizational level.

It is important to understand that training in and of itself cannot improve performance. However, training is an integral part of what is needed to accomplish individual and organizational goals.

The purpose of this page is to provide agencies with:

  • Tools to train and inform executives and other interested stakeholders on the Basic SES Appraisal System
  • Resources to assist in training employees, supervisors, managers and executives on performance measurement and performance management
  • Resources to assist in training on using analytics

Memoranda/publications related to performance management and using analytics


  • Making the Right Connections: Targeting the Best Competencies for Training
    This webcast features the Merit Systems Protection Board study on the trainability of competencies.  This study is useful in determining methods of training for various competenies.
  • OPM’s Training Evaluation Field Guide
    This video provides a synopsis of OPM's Training Evaluation Field Guide.  Agencies should use the field guide to evaluate the effectiveness of their training and training programs.
  • NRC New Supervisor Training—Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) & National Cancer Institute (NCI)
    These webcasts are examples of how agencies consider training in the the performance of their supervisors (the NCI training begins at 26 min:55sec)
  • Reducing crime in Indian country through the use of analytics. Michael Miller, Acting Deputy Associate Director for Law Enforcement Operations at the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Office of Justice Services, provides a talk on how the Bureau of Indian Affairs changed the way it analyzed crime statistics and used that enhanced perspective to help reduce violent crime in Indian Country.

Performance Management

Performance Measurement

Using Analytics

Free Training/Webinars


Performance Improvement Community MAX page

For up-to-date information and training from the Performance Improvement Community please log onto their MAX site

Accessing the Site/Joining the Community
1.   If you do not have a MAX account, register for an account at:
2.   Once you have registered, or if you already have an account, you can join the community for this site by clicking here:
Note:  Once you have joined the community, you can also access the site through this link:
Becoming a member of the community enables you to view and download information from the site. Additional permissions may be added for community members as the site evolves.

HR Stat Max page

U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)

U.S. Congressional Research Service (CRS)

Federal Evaluators

American Evaluation Association (AEA)

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