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Cybersecurity Events
Mixes Hacking and Making with a healthy dose of Technology and Information Security.
October 1-31, 2017
Nashville, TN
An annual two-day event presented jointly by The National Cyber Security Hall of Fame and Federal Business Council (FBC) in conjunction with academia, government and private industry organizations.
October 11-12, 2017
Baltimore, MD
A multi-stakeholder consortium that brings together industry, government and academic interests in an effort to improve the state of cyber security on both a domestic and international level.
October 23-25, 2017
Minneapolis, MN
Connects C-Level & Senior Executives responsible for protecting their companies’ critical infrastructures with cutting-edge technology providers and renowned information security experts.
Nobember 1, 2017
Boston, MA
CyCon U.S. is a premier conference on cyber conflict. It provides a venue for fresh ideas, relevant and actionable content, insight into future trends, and access to industry, government, and military leaders, cyber innovators, and pioneers in the discipline. The conference promotes multidisciplinary cyber initiatives and furthers research and cooperation on cyber threats and opportunities.
Nobember 7-8, 2017
Washington, DC
This year’s theme, "Challenging the Status Quo: Building a Robust and Sustainable Cybersecurity Ecosystem," aims to help shape the way in which the nation identifies, educates, trains and builds our 21st-century cutting-edge Cybersecurity Ecosystem
Nobember 7-8, 2017
Dayton, OH
CSAW is the largest student-run cyber security event in the world, featuring international competitions, workshops, and industry events
Nobember 9-11, 2017
Brooklyn (NYU), NY
The world's largest and longest-running educational hacking competition that integrates both attack and defense aspects in a live setting.
December 1-31, 2017
Presentations that highlight effective collaborations, bold experiments and innovations, and other potentially game-changing methods in support of bringing together cybersecurity workforce, training, and educational leaders from academia, business, and government for two days of focused hands-on workshop and discussion in support of the NICE strategic goals.
December 4-5, 2017
Nashville, TN
The world's leading tech association, is a thought leader and an action leader.
February 13-14, 2018
Washington, DC
Biyearly conference; one of the most creative and diverse hacker events in the world since 1994. Includes enlightening speakers
July 1-31, 2018
New York, NY
Solution oriented, proactive and innovative sessions focused on the Digital Danger Zone.
October 16-17, 2018
Atlanta, GA