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An official website of the United States government / Policy / Pay & Leave / Furlough Guidance
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Furlough Guidance

Shutdown Furlough

This page provides information on shutdown furloughs.  This guidance applies to activities that are funded by annual appropriations. Some agency functions have alternative funding sources and, as a result, are not directly affected by a lapse in annual appropriations. Employees performing those functions will generally continue to be governed by the normal pay, leave, and other civil service rules. Agencies should consult with their legal counsel if they have further questions concerning this distinction. Employees should consult with their human resources office.

OPM Guidance

OMB Guidance

Historical Shutdown Furlough Guidance


The following guidance is applicable to the lapse in appropriations that occurred in October 2013 and December 2018-January 2019. This historical guidance is posted for reference purposes only.

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