There are two types of hiring processes. In the non-competitive hiring process, agencies use a special authority (Schedule A) to hire persons with disabilities without requiring them to compete for the job. In the competitive process, applicants compete with each other through a structured process.
Steps to Increase Hiring
Advice to increase hiring and retention of employees with disabilities.
Schedule A Hiring Authority
Excepted service appointing authorities are critical tools for increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities in the Federal Government.
Interview Process
During the interview process, the hiring official should ask an applicant questions about your job qualifications and how the applicant would perform the essential functions of the job. Applicants are encouraged to present their qualifications in a positive manner which emphasizes abilities and assets. Sometimes an applicant will choose to anticipate and address job related questions about ways his or her disability may affect performance of critical duties, roles and responsibilities of the job.
Hiring officials are prohibited from asking questions about an applicant's disability unless the questions are related to functioning on the job and consistent with the business needs of the position. To review the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's guidance about questions agencies can ask about an applicant's disability, please see the Enforcement Guidance: Pre-employment Disability-Related Questions and Medical Examinations(external link).